Show YANKS DROP GOLF MA Americans Spurt On Final Holes But Fail to Win J England July 11 Ii ll- ll llA 4 W A George George Duncan and Abo Abe Mitch Mitch- Mitchell Mitchell ell cli leading British professional goiters gOlfors defeat defea Friday avenged their de- de de fea feat t of last year at the lund handa or Walter WO-Iter Hagen and anti his compatriot MacDonald Smith 4 up and 2 to play In their 72 holo match for fora fora fora a purse of pounds and Inter Inter- International international International national foursome honors honor List Lut tear icar car the American team teamon non on by 4 up and 3 to play On the at 36 holes of this year ears contest played Thursday at the St Georges George's club the tho pair finished four tour up At the con con- conclusIon elusion con elusion of the last half halt of the match Friday afternoon n 0 over er the Ohey course the tho had succumbed and Duncan and Mitchell I prepared to split spilt the pound pound purse Hagen and Smith till vi I 50 pounds each as the loser losers send end The American start started tart tart- ed el Friday s rounds confronted with the big task of overcomIng the lead of ot four tour holes boles which their opponents had stowed awa away the tho first part of oC the morn morn- morning morn morn-JIng ing round It looked as though they would do this easily enny They were ere bOI both driving long end ond straight and putting well ell But at the tenth Hagen started miss miss- missIng missing missing ing his fl five fise e and six foot putts putt and from then on his green reen work was as not In the championship class I battles like liko those of Thursday took place on the greens Here Hero Duncan and Mitch Mitch- Mitchell Mitch ell eli kept the upper hand baud een even e en In Inthe Inthe inthe the face tace of some somo brilliant work b Smith The stead steady Californian SI saied the tho situation several se times In both grounds with long hard putts But his approaches were ivere sometimes sometime short and th the best beat he could do was to hold the see sec second sec second ond das davs tourne tourney on an e een een- een Stephen even en- en stephen stphen basis Duncan pleased the gallery galler of more than that followed today's toda's pla pia play by gis log loga a masterly exhibition of his pro pro- professional professional pro professional game Ne Never Neer er once did ho he fail fall to drive e down the tho fairway ay His short shots always ays thoI I hit the thc green and the few time his approaches found bunkers he I Imade made the the- th spectators spectator gasp rp by hIs played biswell-played ell eli el ed reco recoveries crIes There was as very tery ery little Ittle fault to tobe tobe tobe be found Friday with the es and seconds of the some On several holes their drives es lay huddled within a few fe feet of each other This course which Is a paradise ro fo Ion long hitters Is I S tards ards In length and ha has 11 holes over yards tards ards long Three times in the first seven holes which are eventually el halved halted In par figures It was as up to Hagen to sink a five or oz footer six to win but each time the ball Just g the edge of ot the th cup and passed on nn I |