Show PROPOSE MERGER OF GRAIN ELEVATORS CHICAGO July 12 Detailed plans of organization of o a nation nation- national III l MIl Bales fliCs agency n ency including including- arUel l lOf or Of Incorporation arc lue rB work work- worked work worked ed cd out in conferences confer nc under the th auspices of the thO committee on merger merier ot of o elevators ot of o the AmerIcan Parm Farn Bureau Bur federation The Tho commIttee Friday Indicated approval with reservations of o the proposal made mad by the tho Armour and other grain Bruin corporations corporation for con con con- consolidation con of elevators elevator with a 0 slew low to development de of ot such uch an on agency The statement of the committee mide It t dOer clear that the tha commit commit- committees committees committees tees will sill require a a clear clar under under- understanding under standing on tho the producer producer-o producer producer ned nature of the tho sales le i agency ogency a ncy toll follow follow- Inc tollow-Inc ow- ow owIns leg Ins Insa a n period of transition when hen It Itla itis Itla la is to be bo merged by the grain Brain oper- oper operatOrs oper operators V L Lawer cr for tor the corporations and for tor the committee have vo been called Into consultation and the tho committee has hM confeR red with rep rep- r rc p-rc of the American wheat groner groler grol er the Co Co 0 Dlo n the tho th Nation National al Cl A of Orane and other prOducing organ lions |