Show FARM RELIEF LEGISLATiON TO BE Farm Fann Organizations to End Conference In St StPaul Paul Today I F FAVOR A VOR HAUGEN PLAN Ice C Central e n t r a 1 Organization I Likely to Be Formed to Press Demands ST PAUL Minn July A 12 12 A definIte policy for lor faim tal m relief leg leg- legislation legIslation was sas expected e to be he adopt adopt- adopted el ed here toda today at It the concluding session of or the national I conference ot of farm tarm A plan ta fas favored ored by the resolutions ot of the conte I ence pro Ide for tor a centralized farm tarm to olle tor for the Interests of oC agri aAr agri- agri agriculture agriculture culture and it 8 was ass Indicated that some such hod bod body would be to med here It was proposed b by the tho reso re-o- resolutions committee yesterday that a central committee composed ot of delegates from e every el state slate and rep rep- representing rep representing resenting all aU tal faim aim m 01 i should be he named to formulate any legislative action to be taken One of ot the purposes of at the eon eon- con tl ence Is to obtain th tha In Inthe inthe Inthe the t nc congress of ot the r Haugen port rp relief bill which was nas as defeated at atthe atthe atthe the last session or a measure I drawn UI up along nIOng the e al same hame H lines |