Show SPACE TECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES yr INVITES GRADUATE STUDENTS discuss careers in the space sciences with members v I of its technical 4 I staff when they visit your campus on February 2 and 3 y v- Space Technology of Los I maintains a large staff of skilled specialists who are devoted entirely to the research iad I development of advanced space and missile 1 I y Recent achievements include Explorer VI and Pioneer V. for which i j r I had complete systems In provides I integration and test for the major Air Force Missile Weapon f v You are urged to see our representatives if your interests m arc in any of the following challenging I n i- i Theoretical Physics Antennas and li Telecommunications 1 Experimental Physics Inertial Guidance Solid State Physics Electro-Mechanical Device ff-y Mathematics Analog Computers t Digital Computers Engineering Mechanics y i Space Communications v i- Computer Design Applied Aerodynamics l Radar Systems Propulsion Systems Guidance Navigation Systems Engineering i f Please make arrangements with placement t your office for interview 1 If unable to see our you may contact by mail 4 I Address College Space P. O. Box los Angeles I J I SPACE TECHNOLOGY INC j J |