Show MAPPING equipment acquired by the civil engineering department is examined by C. G. H. P. manager of Aero Service A. Ray and G. Civil Engineers Receive Costly Map Equipment The civil engineering department has been given a piece of mapping equipment worth by the Aero Service IN DONATING the known as a Kelsh Herb P. manager of Aero Service said the company interested in helping to further all activities which tend to upgrade the surveying and mapping profession in Utah and surrounding He continued that profession needs more men with a proper comprehension of the ac curacy problems connected with the making of precision and that civil engineering department at University of Utah is doing a fine job in training THE KELSH plotter is used to plot maps from aerial used by the with special to measure dis- The instrument is a viewer with red and green lamp and The civil engineering department will use the instrument in conjunction with course work in and in research to develop techniques in the location of highway materials from color-aerial said C. G. assistant professor of civil |