Show Shopping or Swapping Read the Chronicle Classifieds HELP HELP WANTED WANTED I iAnn ru EM a-oili h HELP HELP WANTED WANTED I 3 KRS A NIGHT 4 nights a week Make Car Call HU LET ME SHOW you how to earn per week part Apply 1522 State between 11 Ss 3 HU A CHEMICAL engineer to work in the fertilizer Send resume Box co Salt FOR SALE UNUSED LA ski sized purchased in icon price must DA EXCELLENT CONDITION 1 pair Head Ski Call tL 55 2 hard Vr New ski CR iAnn ru EM a-oili h SHARP 1956 Ford Black One See to CR evenings and ski rack for convertibles and Call Ben at after 5 p.m. WURLITZER SPINET like new 1419 Parkway HU after MONARCH ELECTRIC Double Howell Extension four 1419 Parkway HU after 5 1957 FORD for my equity and take over my Must sell Call DA FOR RENT Clean room Couple after 5 EM nc 3 nice y furnished See after p Qt 1067 ESt NICE ROOM everything For 2 girls a Call EL FOR 2 wall to 2 ROOM available for suitable business adjacent to beauty Separate entrance vicinity of 1st Near town EM or EM BRAND NEW rooms for U of U housing near everything Single walk-in Wall to wall ESI EL men hare nicely deluxe 1 E. EM Boys 77 DA 2 ROOM furnished furnished Kitchen Call evenings and EM GRDEN 2 from DA URGE ROOM FOR 1 or 2 Private Phone EM ADJACENT TO lovely men Daytime EM Evenings DA SERVICES FOR dependable and experienced typing of and term can HU tern etc EM EXPERIENCED typing of thi term Call DA FOUND SMALL BLONDE female dog on EM PERSONAL 1 or 2 near EM ACCEPTING four men for immediate Phone for appointment 10 AM TRANSPORTATION MALE STUDENT from Ganger area e to or will provide very t room and board to someone wira Call CY DRIVE go to Will help wit P- Phone EM i |