Show The Legislature i Last week we visited Capitol Hill and watched the main characters of Utah's Legislature in We sat in the in both House and and listened to routine business and some rather mild debate on a relatively minor One veteran observer been a slow to it was a routine to us it was a revealing and full On the floor of the marbled House and Senate chambers we caught a glimpse of America s In the bright flowers next to women In the obvious pleasure of gray-haired veteran legislator who told his colleagues that he a long-standing statute had been In the methodical voice of the clerk reading the House roll during a of in the people The cattleman from Rich the weekly newspaper the the the the teacher and the Some spoke with polished Others were more One apparent said that he what them lawyer fellers in the city had in on a particular And he probably It occurred to sitting in the watching democracy's machinery in that these men and women for all of their and first of all people elected to do a Few of them are Many leave their jobs to spend two months in Salt Lake City trying to make their state a better place for all of They face formidable ranging from the serious and involved financial to the trading stamp As a state the University of Utah has definite interest in the proceedings on Capitol Some proposals involve appropriation of millions of like the requested designation of the University as official state arboretum of will involve no money at Much needs to be we believe that much will be done in the weeks To the hardworking legislators of this we offer our assurance that students at this institution are aware of events at the and believe in the ultimate fair judgment of our elected |