Show LINEVITCH PLANS BIG MOVEMENT tokio july 16 it is unofficially estimated that general force numbers nearly now and it is reported that he is extensively using water transportation to bring forward men supplier and ammunition an officer who recently returned from manchuria expressed the opinion that linevitch plans a great demonstration to synchronize with the meeting of the peace plenipotentiaries but that he does not intend real aggression it is understood that captain bou i gans returns permanently to france japs may land asiatic russia july 16 four japanese torpedo boats recon loitered noite red oiga and vladimir bays northeast of vladivostok july and they made soundings and examined the landwere and were evidently investigating the possibilities of landing troops they examined the wreck of the russian cruiser by means of divers army in good condition yunshu pass manchuria july 16 reports that the russian army Is in a per carlous situation appear to be without foundation investigations made by correspondents of the associated press show that neither flank has been turned in tact the russian wings are more advanced than the center the japanese center is strongly fortified many siege guna have acen em placed along the Chang tufu Nanc henz line and there is a triple ring of forts commanding the mandarin road the japanese are using novel ele trap style of entrenchments consisting of ditches covered wah platforms which are balanced in tha middle and which tilt into vertical positions under the feet of the attackers the japanese have a captive balloon eight miles south of Nan chenze ROOSEVELT SPENDS QUIET DAY oyster bay july 16 president roosevelt passed today at sagamore accompanied by mrs roosevelt their children and their guests h attended the morning service at christ church but did not leave his home during the remainder of the day no offic ja visitors were received secretary and mrs loeb left day this afternoon for a months sojourn in and near the yellowstone isa park they will make brief stop s at chicago and at minneapolis en route during the greater part of chelp sojourn they will be in camp in the mountains |