Show COMMON IN SUMMER the time to get rid of rheumatism is in summer while the blood is endeavoring purge itself of all poisons and im purifies puri ties and the skin is active with all the pores and glands open and able in this way to assist in the elimination columbus Colum buB 0 mt vernon ava six years ago I 1 had a severe attach ot inflammatory and the doo tora I 1 had did me no rood they changed i medicine every week and they t to help me anally y belt off medicine and began tea bao os S S bay anoe and elbow joints were swollen terribly and at one my bands were so swollen and that X could not close them when opened I 1 waa you fafty ba anro when X began S S S taut as I 1 aw it was rae X continued it and today I 1 am a sound well man and have never had a return or the R H the inactivity of the liver kidneys and bowels causes the refuse matter to remain in the system which coming in contact with the different acids of the body forma uric acid to be absorbed by the blood and distributed to the different joints aud muscles producing the pains inflammation and other distressing symptoms of rheumatism the wandering pains of the disease remind the sufferer that the poison is stilt in the blood aud he should lose no time in getting it out S S 8 neutralizes the acid and make the mood rich and pure it tones up every organ and cures the disease permanently S S S contains no harmful minerals to disagreeably affect the system but PURELY VEGETABLE disease build up every part of the body by its fine tonic effects effect 1 book on rheumatism and any medical advice desired without charge THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO atlanta ga |