Show does not indicate a hope for peace at any price st petersburg july 15 the interprets the views of the military party today indignantly rejected the interpretation put upon HI wittes appointment abroad namely that it Is equivalent to the acceptance ot any peace terms japan mav choose to offer except leveling the fortifications of vladivostok the paper calls attention to emperor nica olas marginal notes on various addresses expressing hia determination to continue the war and especially refers to his telegram to lieutenant general linevitch june 14 which thi th i commander in chief read to the army and which has just been published hera in which tho emperor pledges himself to do everything possible to lighten uia heavy task of the army and ex pressel confidence that al obstacles would finally be overcome and that iha war would end happily for the russian army as proof that the emperor has no intention to make peace at any price As burthen evidence the avlet dradi attention to the unusual note at tachel to the official announcement of M wittes appointment being intimately acquainted biti the situation M witte will undoubtedly be equal to the high and important mission with which the emperor ha graciously charged him and know how to protect the interests of russia the clovo thinka that the desire ot the powers especially of great brit lan in view of emperor williams attitude towards france to see russia rehabilitated in order to preserve tha balance of power in curole become a strong diplomatic weapon in the hands of the russian diaries for the restoration practically of the status quo antebellum ante bellum the bourse gazette says that inasmuch as japan appreciates M sincere desire for peace the ground at the outset is cleared of distrust anil suspicion at the same time the paper adds japan will find that while M will be reasonable ho will make no disgraceful or humiliating con sessions cessions ces the bourse gazette considers it likely that the negotiations will result not only in peace but in a close and lasting |