Show passengers HURT SAYS WIRELESS new york oct 13 that ten steerage passengers have been seriously injured by the inrush of a terrific and that eighteen others are suffering more or less from injuries waa hashed to the wireless telegraph station off nantucket this afternoon by captain john pritchard commander of tho campania of the cunard line which is due in the north river early tomorrow varnon H brown agent of the cunard line in this city completed arrangements range ments tonight to send additional medical assistance assi to the ship tho moment she arrives in quarantine without details the meagre message from captain stated that ladt wednesday when the liner was breasting a heavy westerly gale off the grand banks a huge sea boarded her from tho port side and tho steerage deck forward where several hundred passengers were standing 1 presumably no passengers in the and second cabins were injured and of those the liner brings nearly three hundred in all no information was sent as to whether any members of the crew were caught when tho sea boarded the liner but this is not improbable as several stewards and seamen are always on watch in this deck when the steerage passengers are up from their quarters |