Show dougherty scandal has had its effect leorla ills oct 7 the acoria national bank did not open lla boora today 0 IL bosworth has been appointed receiver aha wn take chargo of the banks affairs pending liquidation this la lie result of the action by th e board of directors at a midnight meeting when the news thai the acoria rational bank had been closed had spread depositors began lo 10 nock into the dime savings bank in which dougherty Is a heavy stockholder and by 12 the bank was ins a heavy run at 1 the posted the sl day vday v notice it is announced that the bank would be kept open until depositors aro satisfied in financial circles it Is not thought that the bank is in danger as it haa cash on hand shortly after 11 this morning mr dougherty Doug berty cams from the dimo savings iback where he had been closeted with 0 J bailey and others concerning the securities which ho bad deposited mr dougherty 11 reply to questions said ho had nothing to say on the situation tho putting up of securities is construed us a confession by most people mr Dous berty was suggested all I 1 have to say in that regard replied mr Is simply this in putting up the securities I 1 have la mr baileys hands it was not tor the purpose of extenuating anything it does incan however that neither the school board or the peoria national hank will lose one penny A partial report by the grand jur looked for on monday in court circles and then revelation ahai will bollom can onh too by Pe i |