Show SPOTS AND LEOPARDS the butte intermountain says general joseph iiguel goniea governor ot a cuban province and candidate for president of the islaam has fled to america virtually an e lie and a fugitive he declares tha palma is a second beylor that span ish inquisitorial methods prevail on the island that the magnificent sanitary system installed by the 1 states has been allowed to go to aste because the thousands oi men em aloyed are hired only to vote for atu government that the party in employs corrupt or weak courts ani even assassination to uproot the op position and that no mans life or property Is safe general gomels remarks may be taken as a trifle arc but recent iii cuba have left no room for doubt iha as in the philippines conditions bi neath the surface really are little be tor than they were under king alton so those americans who expected much else were theorists american occupy alon might have saed cuba from tb anarchy or monarchy toward which esho seems hastening kut it could no have instilled respect for law into i people in a perpetual state of rebellion for a century the national emblem merely by floating over a city doe not raise the general level of aduca tion and morality four hundred ears of misrule in the unhappy west indies has not left the islanders of the present an advanced people unless assimilated simi a decade will witness in cuba the guerrilla warfare between eions that the patriot waged again weyler just aa the philippines voula instantly name with internal were ahey to be abandoned by th united states it was almost a miracle burdock blood bitters cured mo ot a terrible breaking out all over tho body I 1 am very grateful miss julia dilbridge Fil bridge west cornwell conn minneapolis oct S today gutted the store of the W K merrl morrl son hardware company on nicollet avenue causing a loss ot |