Show inspect historic points in city see white house and are much impressed by city and institutions washington sept 10 mr eltta and baron rosen the russian peace plenipotentiaries accompanied by five of the formers suite spent sunday in washington they arrived here at an early hour this morning and spent the entire day visiting the historic points la and about the city and left again late this afternoon for new york from which place mr watte will sail tor hamburg while here they were in charge of acting secretary of state loomas and major charles mccauley of the marine corps wha at the special request of the president acted at their escorts to the various places visited beginning at the white house the party in turn went to the russian embassy the capitol the congressional library mount vernon arlington and rock creek park aa ne left tor new york mr watte expressed to mr loomis his keen appreciation of the pleasure which Ms brief stay la the american capital had given him it had he said been very interesting and very instructive and he had been well repaid for the trip the unique character of washington in that it was made up largely of government buildings and private residences impressed him very much and he frequently made reference to the many beautiful parks with their wealth of trees and flowers the weather was very pleasant throughout the day mr watte and his associates occupied the private pullman car Jo lantas attached to the second section of the pennsylvania train which reached here at this morning the party en route was in charge of J K hard of the firm of J P morgan co after being welcomed by mr loomis the visitors went to the arlington hotel which they made their headquarters while in the city they remained there until about 9 when they stared on their sightseeing sight seeing trip all of which with the exception of the tour to mount vernon was made in automobiles at the white house the party was escorted through the various public portions including the east room and the red blue and green parlors following these thare was a hurried dash to the russian embassy situated in the beautiful residential section of the city the house Is one formerly occupied by le 1 P morton when he was vies president and it was very much admired by mr witte the visit to the capital and the congressional library just across the capitol square was of particular interest to the russians mr leading the party through the capitol building and making many inquiries regarding the senate and house chambers the whole building was thrown open to the visitors and the oldest guide was assigned to show them the sights at the congressional library the party was shown the methods employed for the delivery and return of the books and for transporting books binder ground to and from the capitol building one of the party remarked that this was one of the most interesting features of mr wittes visit prom the congressional library the visitors went to mount vernon going farst to ehg navy yard where about noon they boarded the naval tug siren the party arrived at mount vernon at 1 and spent an hour and a half going through the mansion and about the grounds A feature of the stay there was the planting of a fine healthy ash tree on a commanding site on the terrace in front of the mansion overlooking the water mr witte and baron rosen each bandied the spade in filling the ground about the root of the tree after tt had been planted and the former asked that when it attained growth some branches of it ba sent to him tor transplanting it was through the courtesy of the ladles of the mount vernon regents association that tho buildings were opened today and mr witto asked als thanks be bent to them the trip from mount vernon to the national cemetery at arlington was made in a specially chartered trolley car and here the visitors remained for some time after which they returned to washington in automobiles A trip to rock creek park which took the visitors through the residential districts of the city ended the trip after which the party returned to the railroad station and entered their private car which had been attached to the local train for new york just before the train started the italian ambassador jbarton mayer des Pl anches came to the station and held a few moments conversation with mr watte the presence of sir witte and party in washington was not generally known though as they rode through the city he was recognized by a number of people mr watte manifested a great deal of interest in the children he saw and whenever the party alighted from their automobiles he always shook hands and smiled at persons who were standing about A small crowd gathered at the station at the time the envoys departed for new york and mr altie acknowledged their salutations and cheers from uie platform of his car RUSSIA REDUCES DUTIES oyster bay N Y sept 10 at the conference last night between president roosevelt and the russian peace envoys M watte by direction of the emperor of russia presented the communication muni cation some years ago having a misunderstanding der standing in the interpretation of the most favored nation clause there were established in russia on several articles of american production customs duties on a higher scale than those levied on the same artl clea when imported from other countries has his majesty the emperor of russia commanded mo to inform the president of the united states that he haa pleaded the discontinuance of the levying of such higher duties on american products in order that henceforth american manufacturers the should pay same duties countries as imports from other sugar started discrimination washington sept loas lo As under stood here the customs duties referred to by mr watte in bis communication to the president and which by direction of the czar davs been discontinued grew out of the imposition in the early part of 1901 by this government of a differential duty on russian sugar imported into tho united states following this action of the united states was the isai anoa in retaliation of an order of tho russian minister of finance which became effective march 10 1901 imposing maximum duties on certain american articles the increases ranee from 20 to 30 per cent generally stated these articles were cas iron wares manufactures of iron and steel iron and boilers tanks bridged brid gea pipes etc machinery sewing machines motor dynamos portable engines locomotives and locomotive cars and fire engines the controversy with russia which involved the importation by tha united states of a counter duty on russian sugar by tho united states grew out of the allegation by american producers that russia wag paying a bounty to her sugar producer |