Show NOT ENOUGH SCHOOLS the children of large cities have not the educational advantages of the children of a place tho size of ogden our dispatches today state that SO be given only halt time in tho owing to the crowded conditions of the buildings there are pupils to be cared for in isea york and they number many more than can bo accommodated tho problem of caring adequately for these pupils Is the greatest ona the city officials arc called upon to face it is one which arises anew with each school year tor the population of school age increases at a rate which strains the energies of tha officials and the purse of the city to keep pace during the present sear more school buildings and additions have been constructed than in any previous season yet when the doors are opened there will be thousands of children unable to secure full facilities last fall pupils registered in the five boroughs an increase of over the previous yean of the total no loss than children had to be placed in halftime half time classes the now school buildings will provide additional sittings for this winter but the authorities are fearful the crush may be even more than is then too all of tho new sittings are not ready as some of the buildings cannot be completed in in addition to the number ot new sittings which will be this fall and winter new buildings for 30 more sittings already ara projected for the following year in spite of this the officials are fearful that the annual increase in the sittings will nol be sufficient to keep pace with the annual increase of pupils |