Show TOO MANY ENGINEERS prof samuel B christy bead of the college of mining at berkeley has staled in a bulletin says the san francisco chronicle that the mining colleges are turning out too many graduates in the opinion of prof christy an outturn of about SOO engineers per annum would satisfy all the demand of the mines and their proprietors and that the production of any greater number involves waste As many times that number of mining engineers are now said to bo produced every year the professor Is of tha opinion that the product should be cut down nor docs the logical professor try to dodge the obvious corollary that it there arc too many graduates it Is because there are too many colleges and professors of mining on the contrary ho faces it boldly and declares that a good many of those also ought to bo suppressed like the shouters for reciprocity pro city however he stops short just alithe crucial point tor he does not attempt to designate tha victims tor the slaughter presumably they are some other than those connected with the university of california one would like to see a report on this bulletin from tho faculties of biology and sociology of the university the questions raised seem to llo in their province it has been the accepted doctrine since the days of darwin and spencer that human and other progress depends on the propagation pt more individuals of each species than are required tor tho effective discharge of its functions of whom the most capable will survive and the least capable perish in this process of natural selection there Is supposed to be the beet assurance of constantly increasing vigor and usefulness of the species ittris doctrine be bound it seem to be in the interest of mining that there should always be a surplus ot mining engineers of whom a certain number should bo predestined to go under in tiro struggle and perish as engineers continuing however to exist as or other subordinates and in that capacity pushing down into some lower stratum some of those who were emerging from their environment and endeavoring to mount up it is plain that professor christas Chri bulletin raises the fundamental question of most everything and should therefore if published at all by the university have gone forth with the comments of the professors of life and society |