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Show DID CLOSING OF SALOONS M HURT BUSINESS. H The Betterment leaguo recently Bent HJ out letters ot Inquiry to a number of M cities throughout the country that H haro recently closed the saloons, H either liy state-wide prohibition or by H local option. One of the questions H nsked was. "Did the closing of the H caloons effect business adversely?" to H which the following replies were re- H ccived: j Cambridge, Maps. "I bes to say j that It is the opinion of our business B men that it was decidedly hencficial H to them." T II. Raymond, Surety H Eonds and Mortgages. H Oklahoma City, Okla. "The closing H of the saloons in Oklahoma City had H a very material effect in the bettcr- H ment of legitimate lines of business." H Secretarv Chamber of Commerce. H Homo, 6a "So Far as affect- H Ing businebs adversely Is con- H rerncd, there is nothing to the nrgu- j nicnL During tho period from 1890 H to 1900 Rome had open saloons most H! of tho time. In that decade our M growth In population, postofllce re- celpts and bank deposits was almost H nothing. In the past ten years we H have had only the dispensary and pro- H liibition. . . Our population ln- M creased GC ner cent, our postofflce ro- H creased uo per cent, our wiuuivc H celpts 110 per cent and our bank de- Hl posits 107 per cent. 'Wilson M. H Hardy, Secretary Manufacturers &. Hl "Merchants' Association. H Raleigh, N. C "The closing of the H saloons helped business. The places Hf occupied b snloons were at once M taken for other purposes." Fred A. H Olds, Secretary Raleigh Chamber of H Commerce and Industry. j Fort Collins, Colo. "N'o." Secre- H tary Chamber of Commerce. H Wichita, Kan. "We have never H grown so rapidly as we have during H the davs of a dry town." H J. Alien, H Edltor'wichlta Daily Beacon. H Montpelier, Yt. "Beneilclal. pay- H ments Improved greatly." Fred E. H Gleason. Secretary Montpelier Board H of Trade H Eugene, Ore. "The clostng of sa- H loons did not effect business adverse- H ly." D. C. Freeman, Manager Eugene Hl Commercial Club. H These replies were all received dur- j ing the mouth of April, 1311; all up to |