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Show home of her sister and brother, in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hal-verson. Hal-verson. Hurren Waite left Saturday for service in the U. S. air corps following his enlistment some time ago. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Waite. His wife, the former Trilva Riggs of Benson Ben-son and small daughter Taula, will reside with relatives here for the present. Hurren will receive re-ceive his pre-flight training at Denver. Colorado. He is the second se-cond son Mr. and Mrs. Waite have sent into the service. Lee has been in the army medical corps for 34 months. At present he is stationed at Camp Maxye, Texas. Family dinners were given hon. oring Hurren before his deDar- I I Hyde Park Mrs. Jerald Alley and baby daughter were released from a local hospital Thursday. They are staying at the home of Mrs. Alley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eerbert Seamons while Mr. Alley-is Alley-is serving as a military policeman police-man at a prisoner of war camp a; Florence, Ariznoa. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lee were guests , at the home of Mr. and l!rs. Jacob Fuhriman at Providence Provi-dence Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. R. 9. McQuarrie were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McQuarrie at Magna. Mrs. C. A. Webb and Mrs. Lynn Brady returned Saturday night from a ten day visit in California. They were the house raests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Webb. Mrs. Brady will spent a short time visiting in Utah before be-fore returning to her home at Pittsburg. Pa. Mrs. Ross Thurston and family left Friday for their home in Caliente, Nevada after spending a week visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Woolf accompanied Mrs. Thurston Thurs-ton home for an Indefinite visti. Mr. and Urs. Thomas Nielsen entertained at a family dinner at fieir home Thanksgiving day. The Mowing family members were ' rreccnt - .-.. r ... ture. Mr. and Mis. E. L. Waite entertained for him on Friday evening at their home. Places were marked for Mr. and Mrs. Hurren Waite. Mr. and Mrs Lew Riggs of Benson. Joyce, Gene, Mary and Kenneth Waite, all of Hyde Park and the host and hostess. Thursday Thurs-day evening Hurren was the guest of honor at a supper given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Riggs at Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Blayne Hawkes of Provo are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Balls. Mr. Hawkes will leave for service in the U.S. army in the near future. Mrs. Eliza Thurston is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nyman at North Logan. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Thurston on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Riley Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Lemoyle Harris and daughters of Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. Hlllman JAnson and children of Logan. Mrs. Bthel Howell and Mrs. Norma Waite spent Monday at Ogden Announcements are out of the arrival of the third child and the third son to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mau-rice Hancey of Logan. Mrs. Hancey was formerly Daphna Duce. Lewis Lamb, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Lorin Lamb, who has been seriously ill with infection, is rnporetd to be recovering satisfactorily. -ielsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. ' Theon Nielsen and family of , Lewiston. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent . X:elsen and family of Richmond, '-. and Mrs. Joseph Merrill and family of Smithfleld, Mr. and 5-rs. Peter Rasmussen and family M1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Nielsen 01 Logan. A family gathering was held & 'he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. - Seamons on Thanksgiving day. guests included Mr .and Mrs. juel Lamb and family, Mr. and rs. Vern Seamons arid family, 1Ir. and Mrs. Dewayne Perkes aM family, all of Hyde Park, Mr. aM Mrs. J. w. Seamons Jr. and 'amily of North Logan, Mr. and 1Irs- Stanford Chipman and ; daughters of Logan. i The children and grandchildren i 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Waite j "ijoyed a goose dinner at the j aite home on Thanksgivnig ay. The following were present: 1 and Mrs. Owen Waite and Mr. and Mrs. Delmar a'te and family, Mr. and Mrs. j ;jayne Waite and family Mr. and s. Le0 Perkes and family, Mrs.' "hel Howell and daughter. r Mr- and Mrs. Henry Hurren "n1 family of Logan were dinner uests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur kittens Thursday. Mrs. William D. Shaw and in-aQt in-aQt daughter arrived Sunday mo Salt Lake City to stay ta home of Mrs. Shaw's parents and Mrs. J. W. Seamons. Je was formerly Anne Alene -amons. Lieutenant Shaw Is ser-lnS ser-lnS with the U. S. air force in awa'i and since the birth of r baby six weeks ago Mrs. s"aw has been staying at thed |