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Show Agent Advises Apple Purchasing Stor:.U''- Vitalities Are Overcrowded l,i view of Ihe fact that, trans. ri,rlc,lum systiMvis anil commercial diir.ise facilities are overcrowded l,l,vil Hunsaker, Cache county .,.nt., advises families to take jiivantsW of tlu' Pi'i'sont prices aiul store a winter's supply of .,W,U.S now. Mr, Hunsaker also calls attention atten-tion to the fact that the nation's .un,le "'OP ,nis 'oar is '3 per f,,it below the 19t2 yield. In addition. Utah's principal compe-itor compe-itor on the apple market, Idaho, has only an estimated 600.000-biishcl 600.000-biishcl crop this year as compar-4 compar-4 to 2.000.000 bushels in 1942 and a 3.000,000 bushel average. ' although Utah's 1943 apple crop is estimated at 499.999 as compared with 307,000 last year and an average of 408.000, he predicts that the market outside will be unusually good because of the small national crop. Local buyers have already made arrangements for shipping 200 cars by train alone, and indica. tions are that half that amount will be transported by truck. Lart year only 80 cars of apples were shipped out of Utah. Although the , present .price may appear high to some consumers, con-sumers, there is little prospect for a reduction, Mr. Hunsaker declared, adding that as soon as the first frost occurs, there will likely be 'an increase on the local market. Since there is not enough commercial com-mercial storage facilities to handle han-dle the Utah apple crop and storage on farms is not available in sizeable quantities, it appears that consumers would profit by purchasing apples as harvested while prices are comparatively low, and place them in home storage. Apples are best stored at a temperature of between 32 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit. They should be wrapped individually in paper pa-per or the basket should be lined and covered with newspa- per. However, the agent warns that they should never be stored in a mound since apples have a tendency to pick up "strawy" flavor if they are in contact with soil and straw for any length of time. |