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Show I dette," by Franz Werfel, at the ! meeting of the Junior Ladies' i Literary club Thursday evening. Vocal solos were sung by Miss Evelyn Webb, acpompanied by Mrs. Joan Palmer. The Chere Tmei club was entertained en-tertained Saturday at the home of Mrs. Leona R. McCarrey. I Lunch was served at the close J of a social afternoon. Mrs. Grover Allen of Cove was a special guest. BOND Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bair and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Sorensen went to Amalga Sunday afternoon where they were guests at a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hansen. Mrs. R. J. Spackman left on Tuesday for Pittsburg, Cal., where she will visit with her husband who is in army service there. Mrs. Leonard Mathews returned Tuesday to her home in Woodland, Wood-land, Cal., after spending the past four weeks in Richmond at the home of her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. L. O. Sorensen. Mrs.' Cyrus Spackman and Mrs. Edith Williams are visiting relatives rela-tives in Los Angeles, Cal. The married folks of the Richmond Rich-mond South ward were entertained entertain-ed at a dancing party Wednesday evening at the Park school gymnasium. gym-nasium. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Evelyn Brown entertained Tuesday evening in honor of her sister, Mrs. Mari Nivison, who was celebrating her birthdday an- niversary. Guests were members of the Utopia club, Mrs. Emma Johnson and Mrs. Juness Christensen. Chris-tensen. Luncheon and games were features of the party. Prizes were won by Mrs. Edna Lewis, Mrs. Enid Bair and Mrs. Leone Bullen. The Bon Huer club was entertained enter-tained Monday evening at the home of Mrs. G. L. Bagley. A special guest was Mrs. L. F. Hendricks. Luncheon was served and a social evening enjoyed. Mrs. Florence Lewis reviewed the book, "The Song of Berna- |