Show RUSSIAN REFUGEES ARE SAVED PROM FROM starvation national headquarter headquarters of the amert amerl can red cress has made an ion tion of 10 for the vladivostok chapter of the american bed red cross ac coiling to information received by col geopp geor filmer rilmer manager of the pacific divisi division cn cabled advices report refugees restitute and the appropriation is nade raide for immediate re lief ilef work until the july harvest although mu b buffering suffering was ex peeled in thie this district during the win ter report reports the chairman of f the vlad chapter we were not pre pro pared for the great grent increase in t f ww tur ber her of refugees refa gees tey have come ti fj from european russia and the interior of siberia until it is estimated there are a re now stout sn in or near bladl 11 the chapter report continues saying the government ha has been housing them in the old military bar racks 7 at k a and trying to give g I 1 vo them one meal a day but it is now raw no longer able to do 10 thin this one group of cossacks and their has been living for rayc months in fifty two railway car cars they have lime been with nothing but a weekly ration of flour flout and have ap p aled to the american bed red cross for clothing and other pro provisions felons red crois in the far par east bavo been aasved to aid the vladivostok chapter within the limit of their re sources the japan chapter which was the first to respond to the appeal gave give boo yen |