Show BROWNING HAS A LONG RECORD IN ROAD WORK the salt lake take telegram lai has been very friendly to ira browning ia 11 the recent road commission squabble and in the he bunday sunday edition had the to wiy of ira R browning aho retired from the he state road commission commis eion saturday if Is one of the oldest road men in the state and ud wa was the first district dil triet road engi meer appointed by the state he was U Is 1913 when he was wa placed n charge of highways in carbon E ei cry try grand and san jura jurn counties and he built what is now knowd its a the mil land trail road barough price river canyon the tint first wagon ragon road ever built through the canyon ile also built the midland trail through emer emery y county at it a cost lost of ter er mile to for r the grading and drainage of the road a distance of clity five milea miles which va was regarded as a remarkable achievement at the time mr browning wa was elee elected td a member of the tate state legislature in 1915 on a platform which advocated good ROM roads it was in that section that he fathered the present auto law which pro viles for the registration of the car annually at that time the reg istra tra tion fee wa was taso 2 so and this entitled one to a license plate lo 10 0 o run indefinitely in ta 1017 1917 be he vae was appointed tate state highway ong engineer ng ineer which place L hel hell I 1 until aej he wae was appointed a member of the eora com mission in may ARY of last year when the work mena ments compensation wa was created mr vr browning r w cited a member of it bv gov arnor william spry and he be arved gervea on 1 with robert 0 gemmell don B col toi tot harry B and other others |