Show UON LION COAT COAY ELECTS A NEW BEY SET OF op OFFICERS marriner browning of 4 den elected vice president ident an l general general was man ager of the lion oal oil inee meeting t ing the board of company directors diree direct urs at fol the lowing a meeting of the stockholders monday afternoon in ogden at the rf of the stockholders the of ta I 1 h anceal affair affairs of the report reports frere ere read and showed the company be in good rendition condition it was company to that the announced would go out of the tho retail business bujin ess in the immediate f future ll 11 lure the off leers cere and director directors elorea as follwe foll we WB joseph see were dent marriner Bro drowning wring vice drw dent and general In manager alleger william willis S M AV vice deril E 0 wattis james fickett and St Murrl sirriner ner 8 eccles director directors boal ecla wa was elected secretary aee and tress and end lionel 13 and farr treasurer wa named ad as assistant al secretary A mans habits may be his own busl bust nei nets but unless he be lives on a deserted leland island he will find that others make them their business bu aice As at eon mon as the modern child becomes old enough to go 90 up town alone he is old enough to understand how to spend twice as much money as is to good for him I 1 |