Show prosperity FLAT mr all ant I 1 mrs airs joab i it je an all I 1 son ie 1110 left fo foi their home in ban ball diego tal at aftel a two ino ithe nim viboit ft with mith the picric piero family on their farm arm J 0 kustin ani ant family alro drop to in tit their car last week W ter envying eni ying 1 it 11 few vinit visit witha re relative latles they ionic bringing mrs lu stills 11 ther witt will aben amri learry manell of Mon Nion trow trose clo 10 beturne return ci I 1 to I 1 er bomi lit week 1 aftin inpyn ij a three visit with ter 1 er sister mrs airs birnes B 11 tin I 1 family mie 11 an ani I 1 ch illren are latting relatives in sile miss mary i gc acini ill to henl en 1 aonia tint t with lir fir hister la ift iran 1 jui jul ati atun ani chill ch illren ni ocl a asit ith in ill I 1 mery county nu russell sell ha has I 1 ulban 1 r I 1 or I 1 ar ilarra ani an I 1 itara tret aro are spen tin lin tie with mith hadr el ill iff harry barnes jr harry bloss ha has i irelia ed t new now ford |