Show city SELLS OLD L lugii pa U IU ST JL H prie s nay lay edw have title lines alio e dreams or any city other thick the tho time of pipe for the conn coun ell lat last tue Tu eucla cla ata eveni nir brulet trill 1 th tilt in nardi of tie tle oil ell light plant to the attern machinery com company pully for 00 ah cash and 1400 wort worth of iron pipe of yering 1 1 aliw bet boat ofer offer brieto ti ito cori fort for the h machinery madil nerv it in the plant was IT N how ilow of 0 bait halt take tile ali machinery company tom parly in the th deal an oil I 1 drew up the offer for ills tits voin omi any lany tho tito pipe Is I 1 to be delyte i f 0 1 b helper lit tit salt halt LAO 1 I rite riven ailing at the time of delivery anil and the city ia Is to lalie take the tile pipe in stich quantities ai it desires 11 and at euch stich time sit a it heen in material there aru are many exter tilous and repairs of city eltun demanded and the pipe tan can I 1 e used to splendid al advantage vantage F A baked asked for the slon of a main to the house ho lit 1 bull bullying ling tn in isabella liu bello ildi tion but the tile connall lial 1141 to tell hi lit tl ti at there wan was neither money for the work nor water mater for additional ii ue te william denarl that twenty families fam in lile tito neighborhood wanted lightb city electrician king was in fit ducted truet cd to get ct alt all coet cost figures for the airl ligat t committee and chrt commit tee will act ronald of dewer dent or silted p to give lane dane luff ing lesions in lit tho the pavilion and offe offered the city jis per cent of his rece receipts lits for 11 the tito deal aa as |