Show NOTICE OF SALE OF property SOLD TO CARBON COUNTY FOR 1913 AND 1914 TAXES AND NOT REDEEMED whereas carbon county bis has received tax deeds on ohp th following fol lowina real estate which baa has been sold to carbon county for 1913 and 1014 1914 taxes and the time for redeeming said property has expired now therefore notice Is hereby given that in pursuance jot at section of the compiled complied liwa laws c utah 1917 the CoLf county rity commissioners of carbon county will fiffer for ua to the highest bidder for cash at the north door of the county court house at puce carbon county utah all the right title and interest of the state of utah county of carbon and all other fund OP or districts district interested therein to the real estate listed below said sale will commence on satur dv the day of may A D 1919 1019 at 10 ik U in no case will any of the rear estate be sold for a sum less than taxes interest and cost accused to date by order oriter of the board of county commissioners Commissi onera of carbon county count state of utah made and entered on the ath day of april A D 1919 M kli if H C SN clerk of carbon county ut lh lot 2 block 6 fiell I 1 townsite Town sito bervey utah assessed in the name of A E greenh tibb north half of southeast quarter section set tion 10 township lownsb towns bip jp 12 south rinse r 7 east S L it containing 80 aarts assessed in the name of utah coil and coke Compi nj southwest quarter quarter of northwest quarter northwest quarter of southwest quarter section 11 township 12 south range 7 east S LM con kalning 80 acres assessed iss essed in the name of utah coal coke co cc lot 18 bloch block 4 pratt s of welby townsite helper utah assessed in the name of joe burjo boric northeast Nor theist quarter of 0 northeast quarter section 14 township 13 south range 9 east cast S L N assessed se ased in the name of 0 h T aunis aunts beginning GO 50 south of northwest corner of lot 2 block 1 Tid vels Pa or local survey in section 16 township 14 south range 10 east thence south 50 pet thence eat east feet thence north 50 feet thence west feet to begin lot 2 block 1 local survey price utah assessed in the name of lwrence Li wrence johnson beginning feet east and feet north korthof nor of southwest corner of section 16 township 14 dovw ranee range 10 east chonce east ast 35 one half feet thence north feet thence west 35 one half feet thence south feet to beginning block 6 local survey price utah assessed in the name of hannah anderson south half southwest quarter and south half of southeast quarter ec tion D township 12 south range a 14 east cast S L bl ass assessed sed in the name of P F E grames lot I 1 and 4 block 8 wellington iown ote survey gutib assessed in the name of W S hinkin lot P 1 block 3 1 addition of wellington Vel lington townsite Welling toi utah asse assessed sed in the name of W 5 lidwell ln Jwell beginning at southeast corner of northeast quarter of southeast quarter section 1 township 15 south arige 10 east thence north noeth 20 rods west CO 60 rods thence south 20 rods thence eist east tio 30 rods to beg beginning section 1 township 15 south range 10 east cast S L 51 nE assessed essed in th name of S P F grundvig southeast quarter southwest quarter section 1 township 15 outa range 10 cast S L 51 a assessed in the name of dale 11 parke trustee southwest quarter of northeast carter quarter section 10 township to south ringe 10 east S L 1 M I assessed in the name grosso and kirk patrick kist mist half lf of north northeast past quarter of southeast saut hent qa arter section 15 tco ship 16 15 south range 10 ea at it b S JL ij M assessed in tho the nime of estella M whitney southwest quarter of northe northeast ait larter quarter northwest quarta tr 15 township 15 south range 10 aaa east S L M assessed in the name of N morion southwest quarter of northeast quarter of southeast quarter section 15 township 15 south range 10 east 8 L M U assessed in the nanie of herbert erbert fl Ohn sorce kast east half northwest quarter section 22 township 15 10 east S L M assessed ats essed in the name H L IV V kellogg southeast quarter quartet of northwest quarter of southwest quarter section 22 township 15 south range 10 east S L 2111 assessed in the name of cora H halis southwest quarter of northwest of southe quarter 24 04 township 15 south range 10 eist S L 1 11 amassed in the name of C IN killmore east half of northwest quarter of section also west half of northeast quartet section 2 26 township 15 south rane 10 east S L M N aa ii hesed in the name of S 11 hutchinson flut chiti ahe north quarter of southeast quarter of northeast quarter section 26 township tow nhip kissouth IS 15 south ringe 10 east L M containing Lontai ning 10 acres assessed 11 the name of prank frank L buckio furth half of south cst quarter of southwest quarter ter section at township 15 south ringo 10 cast S L 1 11 l assied in the name of irrigated lands company Corn piny beginning 20 rotis rods cast of the northwest corner of the riou southeast theist quarter of quater of section thence south 80 rod rods thence east 20 rods thence noi not th 80 rod rods thence west 20 lodi indi to beginning 7 township 15 it 11 east vist e L al assessed asse abed in the name of W V A I 1 haa n last hast half of northeast nor theist quarte northeast quarter of section 8 township 15 south 11 I 1 I 1 east cast S L M N ase ri aseved se ased sed in thy the nami of hannah hinken beginning 40 rods roils west nf f northeast corner of the noh northeast beast fiu quarter arter ter of section thence therm west 24 rods rod thence south 80 rods thence east 24 rod thence north 80 ro Is to begin ning section 15 south range I 1 11 I 1 east S L if tn in the nane natie of georee W V dubosa 1 southwest quarter ter of northeast quarter of section 17 township 10 13 south ranee range 10 east b S L M all assessed in n the name of dale 11 parke trustee lot 6 block 3 scofield townsite Tow patte survey scofield utah assessed in the name of alary kreba krebs williams lot 1 3 block 9 scofield townsite survey scofield utah assessed in n the amp of lena an undivided balf interest in lot 9 block 17 scofield te survey scofield Held utah assevedo in the name of D valet fo beginning at the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section thence west 27 rods southeast and parallel to east back bank of price river 41 rods to a point on quarter section line thence north 34 14 rods to beginning section 13 township 13 south brange 9 east S L al asse asseem sed in the name of frank felice and 0 felice lo 10 0 6 in 16 15 block 5 survey of welby velby townsite helper utah assess assessed cd in the name of slag ling gie ab lot 0 7 8 14 13 14 15 in block 7 pritts survey of welby Tow townsite helper utah assessed in the name of billiam Ni lliam morgan lot 10 and 11 block loek 12 helper townsite survey helper utah assessed s ased in the name of charles johnson beginning at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section thence west 20 rods thence north 70 rod thence east 20 rods thence south 70 rods to place of beginning also ano beginning at northwest corner of southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section thence south 20 rods thence east cost 80 rods thence north 20 rod roda thence west 80 rods roils to place ot 0 beginning section io I 1 t couth range 10 east S L 31 assessed in the name of phillip dennis beginning 2 rods rodi west of northeast corner of northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section thence south I 1 I 1 rods thence west 13 rods thence north 13 rods thence east 13 rods rodi to beginning section jl 31 township W 1 south range 10 east b S L M H assessed it d in the name of fraccis r Them pon on beginning at the southeast comer corner of lot 2 thence west 63 53 58 5 8 fel fool thence north 13 rode rods thence east 53 58 5 8 feet thence bauth 13 rod rods to beginning jot lot 2 4 block 11 price townsite survey price utah AS zu assessed in 1 the fiame tame of nick bel cestro Bec beginning innIng at the northwest corner of southeast quarter of section 17 thence eist east 31 ioda lt M and ne half feet fert thence south 23 rods ja rods 11 one half feet I 1 arth 23 rods to beginning section 17 township ip 14 sauth range 10 east S L 11 iss eimil in the name of jetie je tie oe grego greco v bt ginning 22 rods south and feet east cast of northwest corner of southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 17 thence north 22 rods east feet thence south 22 rods thence west feet to beginning section 17 township tow nhip 14 south tange ange k loease 10 east S L M as assed s seed in the name of mary A miles feet north of southeast corner of southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 21 thence west 4 14 one half halt feet thence then north CO 50 feet thence east one half feet theme south 60 50 feet to place of beginning section 21 township 14 south ringe 10 east b S L sl INI assessed in the name of 1 I Jae Jag ninta beginning feet south 57 degrees 40 ml minutes east of a point 4 10 feet bouthot south of the northwest corner of lection tion thence south feet thence south 59 degrees 40 minutes eist 74 feet thence northeast fiet to a point one half feet south 57 degrees 40 feet of east cast of place of beginning thence north 57 degrees 40 feet west one half feet to place of bi beginning sel tian 21 township 14 south range 10 east S L SI trussed in the name of mcdonald ineil kc il estate investment company lot ti 6 block 2 in barth jane 1 ine plumb powell addition price utah assessed in the bame of margarct maj garet arct thomar Th osar lot 2 block 2 montrone Mon Blont trobe rohe A leation Ali lei tion price utah tah assessed in the na me of Ye V Micle lot 0 16 block 2 price rice river view addition price utah in the ie rame of ared fred aunald art 2 and 3 block 7 prica river view addition price utah inthe in the name of carl baken lot 1 block 14 price river view addition price utah assessed in the name of john city the easi east half of southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 22 township 14 south range 10 east S LJJ L N assessed in the name of late jaia Pran Fran cLen iben the southwest quartet 0 of southwest quarter of section 23 township 14 4 south range 10 east cast S L bf assessed in the name of lars frand sea seu beginning at northwest corner of northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section thence south 47 rod rods thence east ap rods thence north 47 rods thence west 40 rods to place of beginning section 28 township 14 south range 10 east cast S L al assessed in the tle name of christine eterson lot 2 block 0 in wellington lown townsite site survey wellington utah assessed in the name of mary E tidwell lot 1 block 0 wellington Nel lington lown site survey wellington utah as seed in the name of IV E jones beginning 3 4 feet past east of southeast corner southeast quarter of southwest quarter ot section thence east one half feet north 1 6 feet beet west ont half feet south 16 1 G feet fet to place of beginning ginning jie section 6 township 15 south range 11 east S L M N assessed in the name of edgar thayn 0 beginning feet east of south east corner of southwest quarter of thence north 88 16 1 6 feel feet north 59 degrees east feet south 74 degrees east erst feet thence north 74 deen es 50 feet east feet thence ea eat tt feel fedt thence south 17 feet thence 1181 1 feet to place of beginning station tf 6 township 15 south range I 1 11 I 1 east as L 11 assessed in the name of P 11 thayn the northwest quartee quarter of souto souta east quarter and east half ball of auth outa west quarter of northeast quarter lit of section 3 township 15 south ranee range 10 east st S 8 L assessed in tae the name of IV V D livingston the east half halt of northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 15 township 16 15 south ranee range 10 east S L M assessed in the caage of ernest M clark the southwest carter h arter of est quarter of section 22 township IB 11 south range 10 rist S L M assessed in th ohp name 0 of wensell kucera the eist half of southwest butr ter west half of southeast quarter of sect section lori 22 township 15 south ranee range 10 east S L NI assessed in the name of maria kucera the northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 27 township 15 south ringe 10 east S L M a hessed in the name of VV kucera the noreh northwest west quarter southwest quarter south half halt of northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 35 township 15 sath 10 east S L 51 assessed in the name of demay blunders saunders the west bait halt of v northwest quarter of southeast quarter of sec section tic n no 3 31 township JD 15 south range 10 east aas S L M W asses assessed stil in the name of D imay saunders I 1 the northwest quitter of north amt quarter of at quart quarto r of i section 3 town township thip 15 south range 10 east S L M V ir e sed in the narae of 0 C 11 V ill gilliame iame I 1 he northwest quarter of ikrath of southe southeast qu luvirter arter of 35 township 15 slut sut range 10 east IA U assessed in n the name 0 of M A gearhart the northwest quarter of southwest quarter northwest quarter of northeast quarter cf of section 36 township 15 bouth range 10 cat b L M ais assessed essed in the dame nime of demay saunders at thy the southeast corner of bt cllon thence bortt 80 rode rods ctet et e t ts 4 feet thence south 80 10 lo Is thence east 84 feet to place ut of beginning stion sA Ion 0 5 town chip 15 auth iani tange il it east S L NJ mi io in the name of juhn john C vance lot 4 4 in section 0 6 15 35 south range it 11 east S L st assessed in the name of W K X jones beginning at southwest corner of southwest arf of owr tu awa r f ter of section thence north ip ch tins thence east 20 10 chalan thence I 1 10 ohal tip thence west 20 chains to of b giostra bg toBice section 7 I 1 township 15 C south ranee range 11 eist S L 51 jisse ked in tho name of peter jone jones 1111 14 4 Vez innIng nt at northeast corner of 61 1 f 4 southwest quarter ot of west ter of section thence 10 chains chain sir thence south 10 chains thence east A 10 chain north 10 lOc chains to place of beg beginning section utown 14 ship 15 south range a it 11 cast S L M H assessed in III th I 1 P imd of thomas jone jones atule I 1 ngin lne at northeast curner corner f northwest qu quarter a arter of northwest quarter of section theme thence feet thence north 20 feet fa pap aw TOG 1 feet west fret feet to place 1 of beginning section 25 26 township 15 south range 11 urt part b L LM wt assessed in the namo of at and V bottin the north half of ter er of quarter of section 31 aj township 15 boulb rinee ringe I 1 11 I 1 past on lust last pagel page notice of cafe sale continue I 1 from front p ftp aze S 51 S L al assessed in the naine of C 13 galloway nid peter ludvig beginning 30 feet south of northwest corner of northwest qua quarter of southwest quarter of section oo south feet thence east 80 rods thence north 80 rod thence west feel feet thence south feet west feet to blare pla o of beginning sec lic lion tion 7 township 14 south range ringe 10 enist exists S L M aasc assessed bcd ais the name of 0 11 Mc Kindrick the sout southwest hest quarter of northwest quartet the north half of south quarter northwest quarter of southeast sout henat quarter of section 25 township 15 south ranee range 8 east 6 L mi M assessed in the name of pe peter er jc adkis zd kis beginning feet south of the north northwest west corner of northeast quarter bof of sei set tion thence hence south feet thence erst enst feet thence north feet thence west feet to place of beginning section 35 township 15 range 8 east S L 1 ni M aa essed in the name of august J pappas the east half nf of southeast quarter of section 17 township 15 bouth a range 10 east b L M assessed asse sled in the nanu of P F 11 II burger lots 1234 1 2 3 4 ga 5 6 block 17 helper townsite burve r utah hessed a in the lumo dame peter Iltz one ST va F 01 U urh r ill ss attl |