Show real seri ice one of the net product products of the war w was the demonstration that bank banks are the strongest 1 factor in community service in most cac cases the bank banks became the headquarters in he the liberty loan drives and met the increased demand generously jenerou ene rou in nearly every city when called upon they put in additional desks and ard hired increased force to do the work necessary emary the bank is the keystone in the arch of community service and ii is the stron strongest gesl asset for community trint banks are axtt anding the community service idea to he the country and nd ire leading lead iii and to produce firm prosperity tv many differences between aap iap capital al and arid abor are smoothed it iv jv by a better understand understanding of ill all fact actors dra of he the problem ec so the old fidei of a bank being 1 in ii any iny way hostile to 0 o the interests of he the producers i 0 being changed into mutual helpful helpfulness there is ii no reason why there should not be the fullest co opera lion tion between any honest well meaning citizen and he the local banks |