Show our duty Is here we understand that it is pleasant pf basant to lit sit at a desk and wol k out 01 t blue printe prints of a society actuated by on only ly he the highest and most altrui fic motive and warranted to establish estabi elisii the I 1 millennium 1 over flight night we crin understand u that thi this i is a glowing exercise but we e do no not much rely upon the theories of men inen who do not take their coat coats off and learn the tile resistance of filings or of men who keep their kins skins intact ihlae others fight and die for the principle principles they preach the tribune is incurably nationalistic tiona listic I 1 because it believes in the strength and beauty bc auty and savor of nationalities national itte became bebau e it believes that civilization is advanced by the development of national per sodality eona sona lity and because it cherishes cl cris I 1 les and believes in american nation ably it believes it is the first duty oi of americans to protect and develop their own nation nati ors in exactly exact the same way that the individual should protect and develop his own individuality and the scorn of professors and theorists and editors who indulge their idealism by writing on how to insure ins ure universal peace or how somebody else ought to free ireland or defend armenia or are something to somebody ebe gives us little litile concern chicago tribune |