Show lease leare blinks at news advocate cow 4 I 1 this k mi d there is no need of burning your bank account because you burn coal co ai use US castle gate or clear creek coals they are clean and free burning give dive 11 1 1 plenty of fire and heat and no trouble they are the standards by which all 1 11 11 fine coals are judged I 1 ASK YOUR DEALER exclusively mined and shipped by the U UTAH 1 I 1 ul FUEL U L 0 F J cwi w HENRY FIACK builder and contractor WILL FIGURE ANY electa IC shoo Repair lol ahm IMF and factory JAMES BESSO prop turn turner pl pric I 1 naemi XE M guns phonographs type writers etc carefully over hauled and put in good condition general ge eral repair work birbie it to me E F H ROBINSON s ewt rr A new boss I 1 have purchased the white house pool hall aid invite all old friends as a well as new ones to come in and enjoy a game of pool billiards or cards all kinds 0 of I 1 soft S drinks cigars cigars and tobaccos cos thomas fitzgerald Fitzy erald WEST MAIN STREET PRICE UTAH I 1 yam A 61 arrow auto j line BETWEEN price and arid Sunny sunnyside side and IS price and hiawatha 1 cars leare leave union stage depot j tavern edg 9 a m a and n d 10 1 ap 3 P m daily 9 III oil DAILY TRIPS EACH WAY X prompt and courteous Courte ou treat j benl service our out motto 7 PHONES 80 89 32 22 27 jj ss am sea its easy to select a satisfying neal meal at a satisfying price from our menu regular dinner short orders all hours well cooked in a sanitary sani tarYl kitchen special attention to ladic arill ad children only american help employed coletts Co cafe 3 4 door DOM eat fast of eko theater ABERDEEN the tle high kith efficiency COAL C 0 A L equivalent 2104 ib ILI unequalled for storage will not slack stack best of steaming and heating qualities jahries jah ties ill dependent coal cote coke company mine at kenilworth uta beneral office Un cl lank sart LAKE CITY |