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Show r:rfoerrt Slaintt, Kttdkmi unit G.t iin AVlN'O recenlly returned ftom'th'&i(erii . States with a larg and tuperlor aupply of 0 Q'lf M r SHE E 3i , IKON, &r&;d., A blag Mly tiMpart'wItii TeiU, and .ni olai taecUntCi, tttptoitettf oek their old DC di to. call and ibeor and renew their ingttd inVitni those to hava col fctren etock aud tneCluulcal kiU a trial, to lt and ey Ukawlea ollclt'th fa:oritla:fttfehlloH x tflr frleude, and tbo tmbtic. to juera), to their 1 styof SENTfcEMlEN !l.pTIIIVO- ' AT U o to thelf chotct Collection of Jt 10 oisiuEs, vitim, Mwp A ell Wboleula or retell, nt low price. 1. ,8. 'ITle public ara repcifu)ly informed (the paXneriblii formerly adVertieed between ielres abd- Wr, Fuller w cnllrety n error, . aueU paituerlilp,ar eithledj norwlwe n fo any way lespoiiiiWa for nny f Mriroller'a macileu. , m, K payment. In money or otherwuie,TDat &t made lo DmU(i Amy orbla perionat ordor, luch only, will recelra our ortHonement. Mf ' AMY SMXTII. n In ASt HAW,!.l HATS tit tfl J EG? leTv reipe.ctfully 16 return bfa ml. Ihafllu, for" thapitrohago extended to him' , rlne Iba p"t vro year.,arid hone by cpohnu. iupply flrjtfrato ijUality of JIIATSto tit an lcra of pAtronege ln.b f ututa, Produce! taken In wpberge for, Hal. Wanted fax, Wolf. audJJeaVer klnej aUo a aol, for which a go6 P'Ice H be glrefl, Ji 3lv me a. cell, and entourage Home Maau- fj iiire, j ot teeUeace Ward, 2r,d door, oait of Court w ., . : -yj j cer a? 'Xi:aB;'B mufacturtt: of Tatfe JktiictJ and Farlcst Si6: aJ JUiWHtf KnxiUf I'ttiiiittg' cis KabCFULTAoirerfhiirMrfic to?the i :Cltn of "Utah; and ,WJI1 1.be prepared ( i inpHto eiecute nil orders 'committed tuhif. 1. .Arnon'otbeirparlapf hli profegjion.btia urpaieed Ju liro .itpring otUCnlyea and flC( key grinding and setllii JUiom and Scleaors, bf Fpenfng arid .e(ilng Sawej and overrgene'tal . oty of. Job.Work. AH fehsda of toof ground ,Uj Bet.l'roduw'tak'e'nl t '?. j ;teWoId JJrrlag 5prlhg:5vant3f ,. i . O., can be foitnd atVre'sldenf, YopngVBrack-" .j IhShbjp, of 'lit Itla rwjdeoce, u block and a Jt "eastof IhoSthWardSchoet-bousfc; 20-tf." 1 ; .:.,o..' i.r . ' : - .'. -3 iflB underattt..nWVpenc2,ahEbantf nee Store , at tba ;ohl, ataiaupIc'd;-byJaia ,Cit fnexl'doo'rl9.CllbtfOIraa'ut'a Well WBStor Wher W.wl!l buyj sell, and X- rr; :ga all kiadi of 119m -Manuficturea and .'J lueatv' '-' ;" " x .ddles'a 'B;gl. ,WhMkifor:Sat, vtbolosalt r rtlaiL. . ,-BOWRlKG '& CO. , .a .aiciryAptKaoi'iBCQif' & -j i33itt. fiG reeptctfuMy -:to laforra jlbelr frieade 1.., 'hrooah6ut,tb.Terrltoryof,lJlabVtht.tbey roe e?eUtlihod, end haroin eaccesBtul opera i at:PAYS.ONiiT;.ub.Xoiin)y,.;f, ' '.'t ( ;'vA;jR3frCLA.T?i-, .fv W : i rax tXWKSttlf1 r , , s T.AOXftr353 3SCQS? bit , :,-.:';.. ' .''.TootTireit wrrifj-? "p""--' , all;Us"brnnc.hej 'and" ilsof a IURNITURB ' V IOP,on:aclarj;4-aud .nperlor.yeale. They, !f tberrfore,; fuUy preptred to nr.ompy,e It all ord tire fat tiis erection and completion ' !rttfaeh?ug, Shlnclo. i5aftMBe,Lafi 4Jo'mb, ,ri i Shoe : Pejr Machine, and AlLklaila Of Ma. J Ins: work. tUat.iii&yrba required;" " , .J., , J Every dfieriptioii q t?urfilturoftada'to'order r IIore; mutta end oxen - jhod'ori the thottctt ;'lc"i.., ' 'a WapeonaaTid Cafriagea'mada'and 'rerialfed. jci All kid .ofTorn1ngralran dr'AVood, and -jj ery dtstrlptlon of Cooper.Vare.rnd Warder.' Stock, Pfeduce, c, taken -for pay, and ceh trerUied. 30-tf . - 1 t -1. in 1 j. . 1 , 1 1 ii-1. . I. 1 1 1 -1 1 -. 111 I r f .11" 1" WHO VliJL EXCHANGE! ro HAVE 33 acre of farming Land enclosed r . by itietfi and tinder cnttlvatton; together , lata a, good dwelling house, whtch 1 will ex- Q ange for City property, csh, or stock. For partieuUrr, apply at the Mount aihee See. z ' ' ' f3'1f. L MAN that thoroughly Underatanda the V manufacturing of S1IOE LASTS and EGS. ' OoDstant employment trill be. given. uqulfoof A-TATWa tt. Sen; nt. the. en of I 3 - , v- o-tf 7 Sopts, Soots, Soots f A " BEG leaTo to Inform my f riendi, customen , . and the public generally, (hat I have returned ' my Old Staud, iio'zt door north of Goddard'a ,oi tbav 4 large, ttock of Eaiiern Leather, ' tba first quality, which I am ready to manu cturo Into Bootj and Show, or anything so In. my line of bujlnef . 40.3m JOHN SWENSON. txt door notlh of JMntjKon, Bill J Co.'e Stort, J -BIDAB0' coitfinm JEGS most retpectfully to thank hit friends aud the public generally for past pau L sag?, and iolfcil an inspection of bit pre- rc at stock of Crackers, &a, of the different w ada of Which, lx;, JUIIk Crackers. Butter aekera. Bottom Cracken and ilard Ilread.be s a large. quantUv always on hand, eo that grants and others can be swppUtd with a oieeatoek of tht ta(rof lift, manufactured rf heat material, and M nl'cdrate prices, at a enunt't notice. FINE LIGHT BREAD. ott&-p.m,Trydy, Pound Cakes, Wedding c akes,Suer Cratkers, Cakes, Bans) Abernethy" me, ahtt-djptie and soda Crackers mads to der on short notice. v Rya Bread three timel a waek. DO.tf. pi B.ME3- DOVB, grateful for 'psit favot aollcUji a eontinnation of public patronage K ils stahd, OMi Yountf and Irwfn'if where J E kinds of KNITTING is dona with dispatch, lurpaesadla'Utah,. . !.&I-Cltyi 4i4f JA9i PQVE. irer yaw McaAs with StotBO-Mado . J Xats; NO I UATTER can "Bof a gitod situs- on ilori.byoaUluffat the MoanUlfteot1 OJIieei J o xeho would like to. iako att In(ere'ti a -1 jplsprfferred. ( . 41tf; . , CLAUDE CLiyEr t? T OUr.n rpUoltr tnfrni hit i'rlrtwft that he rjt lnf( ' TioIiH rcrl at tit OL STASD, EASt u MrX.KJITRCET. - ,' ' ' . , j"g; . -TAlioStlKd'PdNEi'v'-'; . CO "in B StlOIlTKST NOTICE. AfooaaDprtret.&aatr w" wns, iiM roe pM atvar on hand.-:' s , .... ockuktn Paotr, Cot, fcew uadt. gorier. Jiti Mrnreftbi latest taiblon. , ' .' --. ' r ILE, Jt afllrou -ifOOWLatt, eillnU' . v tf CliA.'l)l)13.' Cc ,).. n , , 11, n 'f, l''"" wi ' 1 HAMMER &;MmX:, --; - v lllE Undersigned has niarged,fils prrnli at wh , his old residencs on Sscou Scwtm fiTattT( 1 Is prepared as usual ti,fIl proropily- all .or- . , r'for ' ' '' - Jr"' , , . 4 BtACKSJHTIHNG fl allit Tb'rtou branches. - "V'v-VVg(6b "V'v-VVg(6b and carriage!) Ironed neatly and with rlew to durability.. , ' -t Ploughs, made and repaired. ' !,:.'' Ouo of the best bdrse-sli6ersln tjtah..lt em an jyed, aud In tact all tbs worb,ddne,bn.tb pre-, foi es Is performed Jii'tbs best styles ' v " . 34.tf ' .UENRT STANDlgll - '" '' i ' '- - .; , ,(rl ' 'j.-. CO MMODIO03 aVd:k ejfsa'tlva STA Bl L. 1NG and LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT kept by the above gentletnea at the old stand ' Mr, Statfdhb, cit r . t , V SECOND 1 SOUTH: STREET; , . ; fJ lorsc aud mules. stsbtodjioomiHed, ah'f d "J thaday orwck)tfreasonableifmi4; m Worsts, MuletandjCaUla'cn bandi "for1 sale or , iha'ngei : r " " " ' iiddFolibrsesyilorsesand Jlugilesand Car- ' re to hire.1' ... ; Ul kinds of train and good hay purehaaed for . . h aiid store pay, " ' 34?tf TS LL persons" indebted to-tjta, firm of .Amy tc .fj; 'Smith" (or H'Duilin Amyj, indiridually), ler on noto or book aeeouhVare' hereby' nouV lthat alluchTioteand.bookra,ccoUnts.. hars' ' ri placed In lh Kssd of W. li.Ai'plebyi'Eiq;, ' . attorney, foe collection fitvi settlement;' rA(l. -y, 6,-persons are requested to call. bu.Jiim, and lla tbs". same f orthwltb,;ad save cost, , "v " ' AMY "SM1TH, , l-M ' . .." J)UST1N AMi",i, -- -'fj y H.AT:!r,iisrf .. " - 1HE aiibscriber hereby gnre ngUce.to the n' ; riublJethathebasjesumedllieaboTebusi- am at bis old stand la the?- 17th" Ward; G. S.,L ,tt jf,;ons block nsrth of T.s'm'pl: Block.' ' .i'.J'r y' WANTED, . t WBdVoffurJifornblchet'Iiberarp'rice will wld; abo- Saxony sheep and JambV Wool, -wood, ke. " - Mf JOSEPH L.. HE YTOOp, D. RICHARDSON) M D I E..rnf,!o.'tvVit TtmpUi and 2nd Stut&Stf. j J VILL'walf,vponf alt' person, Inpnranlt'iof lai . htaltli, v?ho may, favor me - wjih call., J ip constantly on bind-'ar.eboIce eeleetlon of ta dlcino qtthe best quality for my .practice; alio. cbaTideonV Concentrated. Pbya'lcar Jaundice n itersf.and Family Jill. -Tbey hsire hd equal rthobltiauaittack peculiar to this- climate. . ley are ptjf up. by" me,freati every -month.' " 'ery- family In the 'country shdnld ,keep.-6n nd tlils valuable medlcineiWhlch is-re&dy; for q e. wheal" rifeijedi Jiave these instead, of the 0 eaput!wspreparatlonslwt erV-palrpeir.ofT 1 Viahj,. which have beob put'up. twonty 'yjari - Casbwhrafj'itour, LuUerTe56syc.ilaksri;itt J change. -Don't forget to briuz It nlongr 51 - ,-i ?--,..t-.;.r . . .- ;y ia ' kXms' i T- hUa5, unders'gned would respectfully inform " L the travelling piiblla' that they -can rely ion fihdin a cipyilote assortment of r , tbetr .Store, at, MINERSV1LLE, thirteen ? Ff:Brldgf) also, at their new AN CUE, at the crossing of ihe North Platte 1 the piierokee Trail, two hundred and twenty v miles from Denver. City- 1 MILLER RUSSELL 3c CO, a April 10, 1860. 4 34-3m k . ...J h tOOB TiltiKS COJtXINQlt l MQNQVOZY DONE AW A Y. Jj 2EORC3B .CRffiNIV-& -CO., I t i,hj- a ion of in k biq T ai 3 EG to Inform the Farmer and Fuhlie ia .general that they are selling their SPLENDID SXQCK OF STAPLE 0G8X KO'aBS . ' GROCERIES, ow for cash or ready nay, determined to mak 10m for a ney stock this aurarnerj their pneei ill ho found roatonable. - Cap nd examine; no trouble fbowlog goods. S leas, best quality, Tfom $1 50 to 3 00 tier lb. Sugar, 31b for orte dollar. Collet, 35 cant per pound. State JSailt, 30 cents per pound. Wlh ery other article in proportion. T A few Hodge'beatSteeiriowt,st75(;ta.prlb Also Flour, Corn Meal, Corn, Barley, Oats, bopped Wtiat tot a)e. ' TRADERS 4KD PBDLASS 1 find It their interest to girt us a oall before irchaslng elsewhere. 2-tf ieiw jTi J if AND; ItREiatltl p i TOULD (e'pactfully tetttrn theff (bstike to Y their matron lot past favors, and hd -r rm their friends; customer, and tho nubllc; erally. that they ihake nJpfetehslOmt to ELL BELOVST, COST, AT .C03T, OR AT W T AND FREIGHT But fl ambM fftd wWV?rff . , IMPARE PRICES, add .Judgfor yp'orsatrjti A.ieluVibe.cbeaptst. ' t l liberal discount made to Merchants, from 1 Country, and to Farmers and Mechanics , purchase by the quantity. , . fa TatAS 0 THE EAST Olt VEST) ; ', ,can be sujipTied, ..ottboXt'jaotlclfi-wltli'' ' : jVaggons 'Tcdms, ';7oflslenSj'n' 4 every thlng fieeesiary to complete anioutfi : f,eiiher,irith pu)etulltynddiipatch., . . 4: JJULXJJAJUJLJA-. , In. connection, ,,wllb 'thebj .house Ja thl y, yi-Jbeyiiavea , ' ;, V"-' ic ' OarmxQ-b. :eto-uMso, ; .eslablllbed at ' 1 ; PAIRFIELT), CA3IP FLOtb, r f the' eonveniencei'df " tbelrsoUthern-'friendsf j larebey cati be , furnisbedSwith -goods, as s. tap as fa"thleTelty, and one ol.te fitmiis nirslty; ott band ta Conduct thrbaslne'ss at at iil4ee;: - 'J ' . .1 Great.SaltLakeCify,.Meb 28,1860 ,33.tf . mW ARllIVALS ! .. , . ? . , e GILBERT. & iOERRlSHi f, .; YE:-)UlTycce1ivenl''aVLXR'GE 1 STOCK tf 'J V r '"SUPERIOR 'SELECTED lie Assblrlinciits cliosca.cxprtiss-, 'i if for the irtWh Market. jTHEY have rharked )helri goods at the d assure the publle. tbat they are prepared to -d'will.'sitcceMfully dbmpete with any house , the,lVrrHory;.iri 'juality,'and price gSrConntry dtale'rs euppllsd' at a liberal scouut,- ' 3-tf OltliERT k GERRI5H. rUo wants a good Saddle aud Harness! BEG leave to Inform1 Thy friends and the r public generally, that; I have constantly .on pd all sorts of ADDLES.-BRIDLES and - AUNESSj alio, PANlSir.SRtTR3, and,, in :t, everything in myiine of business,' J I atlli carry on. the Biol.! and Shoo -Trade, and - lie for pay produce, but not much tosh. , 0 Carrlsgts .neatly, trimmed on the shortest dice.'." ' ' J. W. JENKINS: 1 Opposlte'Bdx's Store. ' " s- 37-3ni. -1 ; -n. ; S.:Si. SOXQVOXtQ, - - r adje" iuij .n arness'makek, f Nest.doprtq the JPlstt OJfCci,- . ' I ETBRNS ttankslllSsPnhlic.fbr. tliefpasf 1 libemt natfonsRts h'u c")ngtanilv on""band .-?ANISII .-?ANISII and SONORA SADDLES. Harness, .fl Wilsh Spurs, &C, &. Caah aid produce taken f. exchange. 3.f h JORD0 JilHS. rHE Proprietors of tbe,abov Mills respect- 1 . fully beg leave to inform tht Ir friends and itrons, that they have thoroughly repalredrd ted Up their mill in a manner uot urpas'ed In. le" Terrttoryj 1 They are now prepared toaUend 1 all .business, In their line, entrusted to them. To our old customer yre. return our Honk, ir past favors, and solicit their patronage anew. -3I-U D, R. ALLEN & Co. ' 8AXJ3 or sara-sr. "TkN Saturday, tho Otb daytSf June next, at , J the Stray pound in Great Salt Lake City, 1 will sell, to the highest bidder?, all, tho stray T ritmals then and there in my possession. All eepers of stray pound, and alfbtrler persona 1 sving stray animals, between Rrighe.cn City , id Santaqutn, and Including those places, are 1 sreby requested to del.fvcr aid aotmats to tbe ibscrlber. fn Great SalLLike City, on or.before . le 7th day of June, next, tbat parties concerned iay have, opportunity to examine them previous . 1 day of 'sale. It damages tare .claimed ori any ray animal, said damages must bo presented In ls1mrmaJdo!owft.orT15ayTr. By order of P. E. F- Company. BRYANT STRINGUAM, Slray PoundJCeeperla.G.8.iL. City. . . . ; ' 1 mu m band. 1 UR customers will still find us at the old J Stand, reedy to serve tb.m with, our line id cheap j SPRING AND SUMMER GrOQD S. WehsTeanlcerlotof raw, Tuscan, aud Horso flair c BONNETS, r Wlth.ltabl 5 which we will ielj cheap, Also, amiacr Sbauls, Light Drcsa Goois, and a general variety of 1 t DRY GOODS, loots and Shoes, Hat3 and Caps, ' and Heady-Made Clothing. a Comearidstusatih " asnsix'vp- store. ROGERS, SHROPSHIRE & CO. Apillt3,l00 36-tf , 1 AT!lijNEsi ATP: ,AWj: -II.- m j j 1 1.1.1 , -. -jriif-l r,'L 1 ' V I 1 '--irV J')l. ; -. tmk.SApmuk shop. ollBliElt AK MAK- tim 2)fAKEltt ' )"N .East TeropXe Street; next door. sdutlf df ;e Gilbert and Gerrlib. prdera execated " pmptly anil s.Hsfaeier'l'f' Qollarsi, carefully ,. ted Wm a.rialL JS .fSf-tf V .- i , . , .' .. ' save iuERiitAs, , : rtllEi inhabitants , of Uth ate requeated,. to n L gather upand save their .worrt out .leegoiy ,t vers, and every dcserlptloh orcottorXand ttoen ts-for1' psper1 tn'skKng' and deliver them, from ,-319 ,-319 to time, to the UUhoua f; tbe. ever , rat'di, or the Ne"!' "d MouiTAtmx OtEcef or ' eiV agents," for :whic,b, wbon, cleajiituoy will, 1 allowed five cent a pound.' The, rags cart be' iffietebtly cleansed fn pure, wafer, Without soap. It t expected that, In it few mouth, ail ' waff ( ith ean reeeive paper in exchange fsr rag',; -,1 . EDWARB.H.UNTER, PresTdingBisho', . :- -;., J 1 rHE , undersigned" hvm1 oncifd1 ,i: fejV' FAR'iiisaxp iAyia ;objnijey,v; ' witiafi THE ac sr.uei . - ,',"-)- ''1mto;o'BiBSK'!'V'- .HMRSwarc, Hardware, Beot, Sbecs, Hats, aHd itcady Irladu c " r',ow8' ' ' " K- ' " , HUDSON i STODDARP, ' 4i . . ..THOMAS S.. SMITH. , 1 .., . ; LEONARD G. RICE, ,. . ' FrmIngtoni Davis. Co. 1 10-tf J :! V" - ?..,'-' x '' i'"'. ,'; 'V A 1 ' t '--jr. ,B.-f ItUMBAlli . "'' ' WE have juet;received '.frort'.Calltdriila, one . of Ihe hesUsjorted Stock of. ,:- A v'er' brought to this market consisting In' part of, 1 , 1,I.ArESDItESS OOODS, j CliOAKS,; BONKEXRllJBOS, , Embroideries, Milllacry Good 5, :t IIoslcryidvcS, Vat. tcatHcr , and Silk ltcIts, Uoop Skirts, , tVhlcI 'wilLbesold at our usual Low trices'. 0 trouble to show, good. , . , .j s " ; J. B. KIMBALL & CO., I ADJES FXN'E .SIIOESrf A large aetorl-Li aetorl-Li "mentjust receTved af ' KIMBALL. & COi'S. npA, TjAl .Afiae quality pf Gunpowder Jt?' end Young Hyson just received at ' ' 16.U KIMBALL dt COS. THE DESERT SHALL BLOSSOM BLOS-SOM AS THE ROSE' , P1IE subscriber has it. choice', collection of ' "SEEDS saved from tlio. eplsridld flowers' ' alsed 'by htm, and'1 exhibited lit the last Fair! fhlch he now ctTors Iq tho lovers of beauty ana . ragranc, upon reasbhablo terms., Aniong.them: . nay bo fouud many TDf.JFlbra.'a. choicest trea mes, such as Balsams. China and "German Ulers, beautiful Zinnlic CandyliirtVarlods olors; PortalacaPetunlaaj Coreopafs; Frerfcb ud -African, Marigold aud many cter choice 1 in'' '. , , ' ' Aljo a splendid assortment of ctmlee tame, tosa Cuttings "-or Graf Is j 'among' tbenvmny be Jlrad the Queen of Ihe Prairie; Superb Cilmberf laltimoie Belle Persian Yellow; , MadeW.e 1 .affiy; "L;R'etue:Syaonia"r Large whltejIrs. Kllott;' Michigan Roie,M6fiaIrur Rlvertj AUi'y ihiu'y chplco Vegetable-'seeds, 'r'ajted, rpmsced Jropprt,ed by me.frOni) the! States; Jt " eaison; tegetnee jji'tb many, other tbhi;;s j,n,my ne of business. " 33-tf CHAS. II. OLH'HANT. -, ' -- ' ii J CHARLES lvG, . VAOOiV AND CABKIAttE MAKER, ' CARPENTER AND' HOUSE JOINER, ' EMrORATION HTKEtet, 1 ntPAIKS JirowpUr eeul4. GlTni. aoIl. i-tr , . . -J Li JEET, BOOTS AND SUQE8, UN EXCHANGE FOB WHEAT. ' WE will take Wheat In exchange for Meat, at the same rate as we are flow etlling of cash. ' We also have on hand BOOTS, SHOES, & .EATHERj rwhieh we will exchange foKWheat, ' larlay, Oat, Potatoe,&c. Call and Cp.,U8 at Mulllntr's old Stand, on last temple Street- fi-Hides; Bark and OH Wanted for which . lit highest prfc will be paid. ' 4-tf CU AIMING S At JONES. ' mvy store; . rHE Undersigned beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, thalthey ' invo purchased the Urge and welt-aelected - STOCK -OF GOODS, ' 1 ormtrly owned by Mlllor, Russell di Coet fairdeld. Cedar county, U. T at which place hey will continua tho wholesale andiretait Dry 1 ooda and Grocery Bmlno's, 1 Their stock consist ip part of DRY GOODS, ' itaplo' aai Fancy Groceries BOOTS &"SIiajES, HATS & CAPS,, ' LIQliQ&S, &c, &c, II c Which will. b sold.JovT, Cheap for Cash, -. r exchanged for ftOur,grala or good Work J atlje.; ' ' v r. . They hiWalso purchased ibefntlro lot of the t rll-knowu Russell, Maj Or, StWdddle'e iffai on In the.Territory, aua are.riowoflerins them r sale for cab,.or any, qf tha above mentlonsd rtiete. ' ' ' George-Goddard.G. S. L. City, 1 their author- ted agent to.inak9 tales of Wsggofls In that city, nd they also have agents jnj'fovo.snd Pay. On, Thankful for the patrons5e heretofore extend- t d to them ly the psdpW of thl Territory, tbey v sk for a continuation of the same. ,. r STEWART & CQ. -! raiifirld, U. T-, May S, ietW. 3'J.tf W. 'ANDERSOlOrlB sfllirSICiAK ANB .SlIIMiliei, pposlle.Ciijj Brewery. ,J" EHE UnderSjiiifled, ha received an ...... StbctJn? celebrated Hi2L? lgfA ' hGnmsietw'Ame ; i rlthontsGums. Hela nowptepwed il lodate such as maycall ah'wS1?!-a ah'wS1?!-a a full tur- Oh; paid Plate 1 tt9a " V?AS.M. BARLOW, .; . . Clock and Watch MaW : -'- m-i "y , ,n, i j t JAlliES HAlODjbTri i'Aa'bbCE' smj WW ' iKHtLK fcTRKK,, - RirtKS, spot,qottf,nv(tTiortitit, d.aOedt rr iiatreil ani pat iaVni ' WU MSipWrjn,dtoertraadJ,i,iwif . -.-J& pali,att(l,n,, f , iaai,'? , " ' i r- ' Mt-. lolXlo'h SELLING ;AT ,00$ , WlTlfotJT .I?ltEIQilTU , ; vn. RESPECTFULLY. infornia the iuh'tiit.if, f ofUtah lhat'hrbas eommenc.o m,a"f, 5 urine POMBS, af;his Realdenee.' da, b j,k ioo.tbr.uf Union. Square,' lGth, Ward, It'S nrant.fine, coar.sff orfanoydreaslng Cbrabs.-.. :i your time. He; will ;tako .! exchant, mk lour, corn, dtc.j.at Tithing prices. 'Cash VmS atten atpar. '. ,' ' f;lft.tf "r' ! 'JXx I'lyiv'f'V' tl - -3B." O..VSlUOKSir', :;;;- BEGS leave U sute; io'ltlsTfrieuds Vni'HVi . 'publjcJd goheril, that ho haj rfmeVedhis to Uobf rlt,D''aftGun1mUh;Shop'lri'Msin Strt. near the Post OtEceir atj jyhlch ,ptach' wrf bo most happy fo attend' to all b&sfnets ia b ''"fli -:'-"' 'i , yi-' " " . " All, who patyonle hlm-.jnay;. .expect, ptoopl attehtioh arid Wortfof tliefiheat finlih. hmS' been!, profes.lohally; engaged in. several eMbt capitals of Eu'rope.he considers himself eatblt of executing work.irt th.olateat styje ef iiiMoa. 'All klnd'a oi clothing cleaned.' Staljit, tein spbti, ite;, remotidj and old.' garments rEtettt appear ,neariyqual toCjiewf".,' j i Cutting as follows! Coat, 30e.r Panfi,li VeajslBc, each. . 33-11 Utah ITIcrchants aud Tradori. BAGlffiT & CO:, (LOS ANGELES, CAL.), WHOLESALE-DtEALKM LIQUORS, DRY GOOPS, f OLUJIENGi-r B .ftjJOOTS fkSlIOE&AtiD.WRAINi O- FFERheir'LXR'GEAsfebRTMENTsI m l'-v'jf.'.a'-"" ' ,;ts,v.:v .ttu:f 'SAJrirsW MARKET" PW I which canuot fall lo ensure sati.fac !ru , ,,-y- T.Ti c V jt-. .- -'"r I FasiionSWiS Talloriig 1 ; : TiiitiKiu & sproit I BEG respectfully to inform the inhabitaall el B (bis city that they still bold forlh at their Old Stand, ona door north of GEORGE COD- BARD'S, East Temple. Street;, where thty wfl keen a supply of GOODS, suitable fer Celts and Paqts, 4lway3 on hand; H Fancy Buek'.kln Coats and Fanls madt ti wdsr. Also, a good supply of READY-WADS CLOTHING alnays on hand. Cutting done. Terms reasonable. 40-lf AVM. S. GODBI I tr.EEPS constantly n: hand a cbeiee u)if B XV lion of AND H CMEMICAIS, I of the'beet qualify, H A full assSrlm'enl 8of jlie" elt-kaews GBAEFEffDERg FAJipV REMEDIEi, Iho jcxtraordinjiry efficacy of which bu bssa H ibuudatitly testadin this Territory, A great -vsrlety.ol I Patent Medicines, Fanoy Boapft ORs, Jeriunories, Combs, B - Brushes,. &o. fl fntligo, Extrdct tbmo4f UaH I and, other Dye, SlHft, lipplo Glasses, Breast PJPt fl Nursing HdttlcV, yriagM, Trusses, Skoulder Braces, and Fcmnlc Afidemlaal tJtinpdrters;" ' I Of thebest-style. fl ftesh Baled Cultivated HOPS- CT Pieecrpohe'awfnUy tilled. fl illktndilfGintaken Inpayment BmiwiB.Tj I I can now offer, tbe pubticf an artlel " ,v fri oaxxSL Boer I hatVlll cblffnare 'favoiably wRh any lb I world. w " r TVM. ft. GODBB' Ooe door south ol Drug Store, Min8tt 3S-tf mmm |