OCR Text |
Show 'V. J. '1t4vAtoRBay & --ThtfCfphtcatto'n waS wHJto orepat ,Tiooaf by BCori, J, 6, jOtWttfdwi, Of Ky., Hon; Vailihigton llitiil, 6C ItaV chos.eachairitnattjpdtot, A c,baimttteq oii J)erfnancnt,org4ni2aiion uyid on, credentials Ht'mg beii ohnojuted, tho COnventfon Kdjoutncd, till 4 pjtfli. .Convention nsseinb'lOd, ati pM nhfen thp,Ci)q3njUtce.o! pcrrtartcrit otgaiiliatibtt reporlcd;thb 0l4me of Washington .Itiiftl ,a F?sMentnit Marshal 'PvWildrah4' eight bllicrsi ftsVfce rrcsidnt?. -Eleten; a(iretaricarwerfe.nppbintey, v'. ,: ;$hcHbtistoi) hierf.ed' A .battot to pfht; 0iey. ittrp u)breu,hieroa thah ,tno supporters. of nny . other; iiandidatei' 1 Mr, Bell is second t .TJm ."contcjt bc twctiiii jcnf irtnimatcd. 1 I ; - rMi. MeLcaii will lUVe softie votes, bqt ;all idcf;iicuHtiatiiig'"hio1 or ittfty vuP-jtilie ,w.itbTcfe'rco,ee' to the; Chicago ,k)Uvcntiott is'Ufbpcd.-.' ' ;; t?, ' . c '4 - eyjt l ' fwMhirds of Ithe.jScV Xorlcdclcgation nrfi'foV.'MrlIoiUtffhi . They:nVc. for tAtt;-Eybreifc-fpr-Ticbl'tcsSdeiitv-- .-f-f ' ' &". , ' lp Ienu8y)vnn1ardelcgtio'"n iV'diyldefl between Belt 'nnd;Hoiistbi,Bo. ia?th'o ojth .generally; qutucfey Jbitoitntttfl-ynpus.fbr Jbitoitntttfl-ynpus.fbr Hpua'tbn,:. . ; ":. A'uf Mtiiarjdic.lcd WaKKAvlilhtioOTiijati' ,cd tit ah carfy itage of the baIloUiitffi ,V :iOi!0, p!KMi:tw-)frieml!j.oiVBe)lL:,n'nd Mclie'anjni'c'eheourycbjfcli Mivronstbn, wiiosunrioi;teis'iiTe iciafa whatfblXrme'd n't 'tiilPjbttbrra ;CdmiiU' having urianimonsly itgrccf ,tb Tcp5rt,hq' Hjiion', thb Corfstitniion iiftd ;tib cnfplrccl nicttt 6f tue'inw?-fl? it plalfyniilvl' . -"It 'jicxpcctcil, tlj'-tin;0ffrin?nttoi.vltl; bbiatiisfied, with thts'4; , . - W? "" -' ? Thb 'Cflnvpntiori (nei'at lj&ibck;, Tjjjc-.Ciliir'jircscijtcq Tjjjc-.Ciliir'jircscijtcq aict tor TroiiiJJfig'e; 0 troin-j! bcrf, fjMarylandexpYcssi ptlbt-iiig. ttbi&tblttt ivviso niid-paVrioticr 4o &f? tttiried', :rA'lsb WenfinitsbfnrfJ'' jtdtt YrWlUajs-onckfpf tirgning tlib,? CbdUo'tipd U:fWasiujji;i toii'j.-.farewcli ."address as AsflfllcHJut'bl-ati :'7 f :- y: ; 1 On calling Uic.roJi'Jtrdeg'atc3 ;nnjcvi; ifi'oinAjabainfruo 3cre"potrepFcHcnlcd,yW ; ; Mr,IiigerVoTre inltleo pnf.Bii?irei5 'hornWf-tlkVei liberaiibnsj Sy lilislll Uif-isaid' Vaatdtnf acf er-izedtbygreatnnnnimity' er-izedtbygreatnnnnimity' 'abd'JiiatKbtiSnij ffhc.report,ss',.iha't; , JFfyftqs ;Experience;Ims deinonstmted thjtt ; all .platforto Adopted ;'by.'pbliticiij: imrtlcahaTo 'thtf-pffiJcfr'io wisiuad:nnd vanso political dtvlaForjs jnrid. ciicpragp; : geraphfeal nndicctibiiai '.parties, iii'cre-fhi iii'cre-fhi ' ' " " ' . JtitdaH-, .ftiit both patriotisin Aodduty. ireijjuired' -tjiiit" jiliyfiliCuKI rftcbgntzi? policy-w. iylneiplo;, b'u "tUbsa vesting, "oft the broad foundation of the Constitution oiiXh o country, tUct nnioi ofctbcttnc3 ftild' ih'eVeurorctM"ne)ttof tlid laVs,:, (Cf rcat jipplanso 'dnd cheers,) and flint ns wptc; SontiJtiyes of ijiftCpirgtitutlOlnrid'Pjuoii party.iid.i1 flf itwui(tfjj 'ftUcy pledge. Uieraseli:fc3lta;iiafuiiit, protect and Ue-fouciHbcs;M-ihcip!eS01ius "'aiTbrdingsccni ri.tai"1ibfn?..ViH(Vbrj3ad; nnd aeciu'etfib bieSsingsJof'ibQrty themselvea and 'pas--tcrity. Adopted bnccl'aijontioiis ., -" .. Tlieyjrcipbrted inibtherj 'resblutib'nfbt baclttfrtcboold dctcrjnino jorliselthe: .iHoddJqfvyoring,(.wbethcr.byuinC M-ise'i ., h' v'fl 'f . iiS) ei'tedUdnidcrabics discussion;-nnd discussion;-nnd tirnoritfes; of jelegatfbos . coiitcnaiiijf Ihat its, ,ttdo"ptIoS (.wotild -plu'ce liBin"rat-.H lnercy, of thb' mtijorhVesiind tb&s Stifle tUeXprcssibn brthclir indiyitTual prcfcreiii ! 3 MrWuTnec, p"f Mssocfnfsttls;, said he; cafud' hereto express ihb sentiniUs of Jji cdnstitnenW,- lVisreiolutibrc,idvted from the .cointnittcoviis piid'or thu .boldparty. tricks to place thcnijttpritJCS under cputrol of tUo; .jjiujbritic If bis" Statp had instructed in-structed hidrixp'articuIarujaulieWu obey the instruction, bu udne fifieh ltitd btfen. gIVch, And he ileilred that the dele gates shaiddvotc in iheir individual voicy iyttieir'indiVidual cupajJlty, " Mi' Pierce1, of Maryland, denied that the conunltteu had any intention of perpe--trating party tricks. It' wa,s ft mrv w&ti . ter ofxiiediency. He thought, there "was ujoc flUc(.io'ti;lo "smotlier jthotvo)uaot tbft minority Ii his own -delegsitron it. has been detormified that every vote sljduld be. allowe4 to indicate its prtferbftces. Mr, Iwtndgc, prMismssippi, .sustained. Uto;repDrLof tho coininfttco. f 1 iTIie question was whether the delegations delega-tions shonU.44tcr.njtn j Jiow.thft votidg.iyas to beJneVorwiicthcr ilie t'Coiiveiition iliQulJ thiiiit uustlu luuo u 10 iuu aw ligations,. li-gations,. . 1 , i ''.! ' ir: Moreheudj of iSorfli Cnroliiiawant ed .each district to hnVO" its Tdte, whether fdirMtv ItdustbtV or forMr omebpdy ebm., , A vcjicQMr, Beil. Aiiplauscj v MrMpreheadii-I' ijhbutdiiay Graham. fjApplauseJ , . . Mr. Mprejicad cbullmied,' advocating thairoting'by districts, and opposing. liy attempt to silettco the volcij of miudrities'. . Mr.Stcveus, of Kcw" Yori, offeretl'dn aniehdment thut eacli dclegatiba ;be Entitled Enti-tled to'one Toeu ' MMohnsOtt offered nd ttrocddmcntifljat each district bp entitled- to, .vote, . .. ! Mr O'Comcgys, of Dclewaro, aid bis State had twenty-one Congressional dis-, dis-, trictst npd. tho ndoption of that, resolution would deprirc thai-Stato of two TOteS. M!r. Hijlj of Georgia, adrocated tho resolution df the. Committee . Mr. Brooksr of New York1, denied that . he'bsih any Jutcfitioir to stifle' the voice of 1 ruinoritiea. Me. offered thftprctiousqups-i thftprctiousqups-i tion on the resolution of tho Committee, 1 .that-each Stata.nt largo and each district 1 be putitled.tO! pno vote. Mri lTatkon offered a. proviso that no 1 delegate be deprived of his indtridnal vote j without his consent ' , - - ..fuiw- ;. ' Jtr; Brbpkfacccpte;d this nrhendnint, oud wUhdi-eybjs'prdvisioi,' ' '- .' Mr Roclcwif, of Connecticut, opposed allowing Sititbs not fnl represente,d to! uiist thr entireif otef fdr districts' that weH iiorreprosemcd'. ' ; " " ' Mr MBrphjfrofjS'c Xdtkt offcretl & rtfioIttWjt that path SUtb bo eniivled to; many Votes, as' she lias ScnajOrs and Representatives lii. .Congress, and thitt each' dojegato, bo entitled to onb tote, , . J?itvt)flttoW.Hpiistdn4l Belli 8fr Eret(lf5 McLean, 22: .Graham,-Starke .Graham,-Starke Crii'teft.den; SJjJj 'Goggiii', BoU3,o5iiites,' ' m . Secomt. iMHot Bell homiuatcd v ? " ' ; Qn Ttiotioii. of Mr. -Brobkit -th nbiinfia-; nbiinfia-; tion 4f Mr. Bell, was unanimous. Auitdst tremfcidoasqhcetS Mr UWydfTncs:--seej agraiidsbtvdPntHck.Uipnry, irt t'Uft name of Tt'tfjimcp. .thankelt1 lto' .Convex' tton fop ilH Inbttoroufcred n6on..t,he Stata.by the. ftOihfnntio; of Joltri. Bell', WQ hd iirduduneed patriotic and. nb'ota iiU .sccStiouailstfl. : His; life' lias beetv 4c-. voted to flic ?m woit,odd of nil "Aniep a If jcjecM lf administration;, KdnM : inr;'Ddtr?otitf afid;coMttwt;ioti3b Mr-' Hiiryppk (j? at letil'tlt'fbi- Tnioti, aM waatajfowed.-by .Jijtlgo: -Shar.key, of aussTssippi;'; " ; ' " , -.- 'Tib Cativentionlook.a'rccbss'tiillS.pVnf.' "v;4:.ratificatiba..m;dssioieetlng'wilibcE.lieldi tnigftt' itkMonpl'moOt'Sqqare, . ; S'-Xtte: Con f n tion met. aguiii nt 5 o'clock :A: ttiptibnWasinado'fo jifocced; Io-Uallpl for a;cah(jrdjifo7or YSce-Pwsirten'f' ' .Mrir,Sji'itzlert.,qf Miraftcr;far: ro-. juarks jidmitiittbd Edward Everett j;;ilm-; .indb'sefll'plau, WAv ' ' f'M. Brpofe.vdi' K: X.i fbliawetond;; ir, thnanjedf bs..d4le)jij"tidn,'rec.dmweiided; tltttSibiiiina'troW J -'V ':"', 4 1 'aViou ' ltlTbnglrV :'thif r tfrajrmahf.c ;ainiouiVrocnV. ;bcing;, greeted Vvhh im ihcti (Jhe.erinifa'tid. cv6rjt; defnoustratibn; .ottliasin-'ffi :4l 2--? 3 r MfeUliiihinl, an.beiVai'f of Mr51triJtfe accjttdd theonifuaHi'pj'i in ail appropriate ;atfdrfM' Hftjdibed;MiaHUe; Cbtlyeui tipi had, tdsyejQdtcdi'thfi .docirihe. of availabilityl audifaplicld '!th'o n'dbtci JmV jjiitses of nicn. Thfr,wor.k;of iolay wuld icnd iv Ui.ii'Qf;j6y"andihb ith.e Iaiidr.,He( prHlit;tcd' that tUp'!ijtoulljiatd) $ouid "Jawiku..-'ntiiuasni iaidbftplie: a united (jllptV'jti.'be country-' and .dur ?U , iifBniVior ;Tenfte&fce-fol!ovejt nhd areepted ti -nomlftSjttoif 'jbt Mr4.Ev.e-ieft Mr4.Ev.e-ieft J'lUibrcr.wns"iiio 011c to'whbmtbe 'AiSicrican iic9iloydI'fi"itifiAP-"V' gratitude5. -lI?16pI4.-h&Mv5, y tar", would' UdCr befound56JtheTcVocabl lam ' r .Mr;.i.5Vratpnlt,,df Misiilsljjp, fplfowtid in thpenjtlorscmpnt'rbftry said 4ii eulogy of Ed warAEvcvbtt. - - Mr. Vl)t:eIc;ro Xu, avd he-nuip vote""ofiiis'Stato'fbrMr:Evervtt, Mr. lim, of Ga., in Behalrpf Ins Stat.c, endorsed tiidfnOmtuntlou of Mr; I3r ercft.' II. Yt XbOmyspnof 5 Ina., moved the vote. for. Mr; Everett, be., oiianjnious,and. it was carried byacclainatfoh.: . " t i -Mr;TtUlV,ni;bvca.tt cdmimi&Walte tho Voroiudtibn - to .Mcsirs. Bell and-EverAt't, 1 0'nimbtibii tbOi'Chftlf was authorized'ta npbintrn ttatfonalfExje-culive ttatfonalfExje-culive Committec. of I from cabh'Stftto. C;,p;.ljth!Hh moVed .the-,, appolutiricnt of n)i" executive cbniniittco to; ftde,'in Washingfoii -diiring ihcjcanipajgtu' ftift latter fesplutipij. was. catriedV , 1Oa,riioiibti;'.t!iij;fsent Natlahnl,' Commit Com-mit tijp. w'iisrctiined; : : , - !ri)e-iisna'i::vqtc of tliaiikstK'tRO I'rcsi-dell.aifd I'rcsi-dell.aifd officers was'-ndopte'd. ? "pn- niotipiitho : , National .Conrmittcc ivV?,nuthbHzed tp'sele'et 'thb piiice- of meeting df the Xatidb.al Cdnvcutitjn. M.T- Hunt, in'tt few" rcitiarks, tendered bis .ftckiioWlcdgciu'eiit fdf tic;bourleiy and; iindoeslwUli wliicb helin'd KeVrt treated, us. presiding dlficer,, and congratulated tho Convention on tiro . .happy issue of thcTr labors. Adjourned sine -die. After 'the;:fiual adjourmnent,'au idfor-mal idfor-mal meeting took" place in Monimicnt Square, wbero cxteijsive preparations had been hi progress for several iluys, fpr a grand ratification-'meeting, which, owing To the unfavorable weather, and tho incomplete in-complete ;sth to of the arrangements, has been postponed till tp-morrow , night Notwithsttitidipgtho weather, there was quite a large ' gathering . listening to speeches, of Mr. Vairian, and other .members, .mem-bers, of tho .Convention, - |