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Show the trast.-rfj, - K'amts idtntkql ik mianitfg for tht SAJtK rucE.-rPorchester or JJydropoiia (the town nt.tiio watorj; Mesopotamia orAl Kcfilra (tho country' b'ctween'tbe; nv'eraJi Baalbek ri'KtlibpqHsv..Aib tfulia; or "WeissenbcrgXtbowhitatowny;."Kenbaari. .or Whitehead;1 Schwartz. Wold qf tho Blabk,; Forests; Uelyeticae, Aque, Titer mno,! or iBodeu,. ,(tho:1pIaee Of :worm baths) ;:ttcrmanbpolis 3, q"r , Ilermanhstadt '( tbe-tow'rt of Henri an) ;UCnra ;Sdfbivfhe ;BJjickSca "I'dnsEpiscqpl or PeuM'U ve-qtiXthd ve-qtiXthd bisliqji's bridge; Jnsula evr ZsIqciPietf; Treflyhoh. or Ilbly wc(l;fGIaTo mbiiljuin, '.-Cfarush.Mons, Cloraroqus at. .31ermont;Intdryniles,s Jntclvnllium, Eni trevanx; Syjivd .JIerti5genbosch, 3ylvo, Piicis, lioscum,,. Dtiins, Jlpldue, Boiie Buc the Duke's wood) ; Albnp1- Fionas-f Fionas-f eriom, plane 'Minster, Cimtijda:JEcclesBi-. Jthiteminster, or Blondeyille (tl'm modern mo-dern Pswcsiry); Croes .OsVllU(the cross of-Oswald); Oswald's Tfo- Oswestry. jNitnul identical in mtbninjt for mvt e-ekt e-ekt Vi-aces. Pxfordf.Bosphoroa, Snow-don, Snow-don, Sncafel, Snaficldr Snceveld, pimma-Jaya, pimma-Jaya, Sierra Xeyada,.Toldq do la "Niere, Snow Pill, 'NiphaU'S, KcSseldorf, Castle town, Trccastle. . T.liqWhlto Mountain, Jlont Blanc, Pwaloghirj, Sficvobawn, Pcnwin Sierra Blauca, Lenkqs, Monte Aib'anp. Ifew Town, Villa JNoya, yillc--ncHVe,, Citta, Nuovo, Neapolis, Kyborg, Kewtbn. Pntro Rips, -Mesopotamia (or Algcsira), Poab,.thbFork, Delta, pnripa. i?ronionotoriuni Album, lUis el Abiud, Kcnbaan.Whito CappiCjipcBienco. Alb Kirk, Whitchurch, Eglwysweq'jAlhuqoer The number of places possessing tin t. samp name or soma Blight modification q )t, is often so great, than when, an cxpla i "nationpf tho particular term. i8 given, it appiictibu is, perhaps ten, or twelve tiaic; j asf'steusiye, os the learner supposed , Thus, there inay bo half a dozen place , which are called simply Newport, tin l distinction between jthem, being tlie nami I olhy.cquntry in which each is situated or. tub river, which flows past It, orjhi i natnq of its founder. In tho parishes l townships, and villages of England, thcri ; ar 1G Bimplo words which occur HI i. times, or at an average of 28 times each, r hese arc--Easteru, 13; Vesterp S3 jbr'ton.fi: Sutton, 39; Aliddleton, 20 5 Ash)q,.34; Barton,. 21; Buqkiand,'2Q Burtbo,i29; Newton, 45; prestou, 23 Stoke, GO jThrpc, 33; Upton,2&; Wool s ton, 20; WintcrUprne, 2Q. A, similar remark applies to tcrmina tionsj saVcral of, which occur hundreds o c. times. From a.miuute oxamiuaiion of i j- portion of in.jEiiglish gazetcer, a cakula t tion was made respecting tho frequcnq, a with which some qf tha qommonest tei j minalions occur. From this it appear 0 that there aro 24 which occur at au rv rsgq of about 25Q times each. They ar 1 Uiejoljowing?' e Bridgo, '48; Burn, 48 ; Bury, 430; Bj g 273; Caster. 48: Dale, 48; Field, 6C x Ficot, 4,8; Ford, 324; Pall, 00; Han 612; Hill, 60; Hurst, 60; Kirk, 48;Lclgl ,; - ;; -...Mfr;, ,,'",,J fii2;,Minsterl;4Sspkb,;48tM Thorpb,-130; Tori, X784; Wdllr.84 Wickv204 Worth,, :W2.irimrt,J4i7fli |