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Show qk jziit; pixcvii M-MitnEiV-jViffia ' "'" ,:VxfxtXMS,;'.' 4 --f -tv h- ' B . .r, ef .GiirjCifnn'ot B MkmrsY nwtrt Sc Fittonsbsj-'reailra para- B grarlilnjQup.aperqtjMneek.conqernloetbe. B idea'th of Mr, AVftll.ms, wH'rbtV'gl B ,4ngre.tpHedtay:tacott B you,raay?publih if,, y'ouvdesire?' rj wii'f afio B 6iT a short nkctcb of, his. history, ' ' B Qn the morning of the 31st .ofJby, Mr. B Rees Jones Williams jra sawing a iogthat fl wa too large for tba saw (It benk artrcular B pneKto. ach through t.Q-.the fop "of' "the. edge B Orhich was nothing unCorotopnj and jl)U B ngag'ed Irt splitting the iiab from ithe. log, ht I brought hl axe round behind him, and,brlng. Ingitover hl bead, struck a beam such, a 1 violent, blow, that, very unexpeeWdlyj threw htm backwards Upon the saw (which had, beta left runiilng.as a lath saw on the tamo shaft was I at work at the. Umey.thus.infllciipgho wound I as deicribed In. yauV.iraper ast;Wek; I was I "with him oftelr lie got burtana endeavored to 8 do all r could for; him, aiie first word b. I said were, VO, b.' WooUcy,T;qm done now." I Jfo was sensible' all tho tiinof but. the pain was .1 ceyere,. and lie s&ld It was tnor than he: cauld I .bear JOng Hb died-ln Ttbout eight boiirs fitter I he got hurt. , 4 .- f'ci I Mt. Wllllamsiwas bornvScpt.i4tuh8"i8f In''. , I Wanddousant, Carmartbtruhlref "utb:AValH. I Ho hasbeenin "the Churchibfi JetU4 Christ ot I LaUer-day.SaluU for abnle: years', and bu. al- I ways been faithful andfjwilllngto'assilt th I servants of Ood, and d6-ote:'bis tlme'-to ai- I compllsb Aihatever was required at'KIa band;' I Ils tras a-good. w.ichln1it,-anU baa- been ed I gagod in a saw milt in Little Cottonwood Kan- I 'yon tor more than six yearaV and; Waf onebr I thwe few who could turn his aUeulIotf to1ny I thing, whether It was arraugl'qgj Some rlfri. I .cate. machinery, or getlldgldgsidpwn'frora" I those rugged niountalns amidst' snow'and, I rpclcs. He was also generaliyypieful, aall 'da' I hand Tor every good deed. Jle" leaves a good I family to moUm hi loss. 1'woulA ha vo given I the time of his coming Inb th church, and' his labors iu connection with the priesthood, ialtl am not lr posseislon of tht'dattsT !! preached ontUerabty Nn Wale?- before h? ga.triereil to this valley and be occupied; knr oificisl position In the company of 'ffiSntsthat came with blm. here, and be gaVe'!gene"ral-satisfactmii. gaVe'!gene"ral-satisfactmii. - ' pwp J Temaln, respectfully, yours, ic., 5 ".",' ' MJiJM.vSttisV.1' rf. k7u .!f.7wrtfre4uest3ritdpub I llsh the abnv. |