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Show MODN r PLEASANT. Fiom the Pyramid of March 12: The mercantile honse of M. G. Rolph and company, will close April 5. A precinct democratic society was organized last Wednesday evening.with the following officers: President, John Carter, vice president, W. W. Woodring; secretary, Sauritz Larson; treasnrer, M. G. Rolph; executive committee, James Burns, Amasa Aldrlch.C. W.Sorenson. The following little anecdote shows clearly that the yonng are "catching ou" to Sanpete's famous "carrot" hobby A teacher in one of our schools asked the question of a future senator, "what is food?"- The yonng hopefal demurtt ly scratched his head, his left shin with his right foot, and with a resigned, far away look In his eagle eye, replied: "Oh. carrots and that." With this issue of the Pyramid, Boyden Bros, assume entire control of the paper. As per announcement in last week's Pyramid a large number of citizens were at the new school house Monday evening even-ing to hear the different speakers ex. press their sentiments on republicanism. The meeting was called to order and Hans Brown elected chairman. The urst speaker, C- C. A. Chriatensen delivered de-livered an earnest and ablo address iu the Scandinavian language taking nearly the whole of the evening. Abram Johnson made a few remarks afterward In the English language, j which were well received. |