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Show PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice Is hereby given tint in pretence of, in order of the Probate Court in and lor Sanpete County, Utah Territory, made on the 17th day of October 1S2. in the matter of the astat of Francis 41. .lolly deceated, the administrator of the estate of said deceased will sell at public auction to the hlgheat bidder for cash and subject to confirmation by said Probate Coun on Tuesday the 22nd day of November 1892 at 11 o'clock a m., at thi front door of the V urt House In Manti City, Utah Territory, all the right, tllle, interest acd eatale oi the of said deceased In and to ail those cer-tain cer-tain lots, pieceB or parcels of land situate lviDg, and being in the said Oountyof Sanpete Utah Terr.tory, bounded and described as follows fol-lows to wit: Parcel I Beginning at the oorner to sections 20, jl, 28 and ii, Tp. 17 S. K. 3 , Salt Lake Meridian, thence N. SS,25 chain; W. 20,00 chain S 15,25 chains; W. 1,50 chains; S. 10.00 chains ; E 33,50 chains : containing M acres Situated in the S. B. )4See. 20, Tp. 17, S K. 8B, Paroel . Beginning at a point 20.20 chains N. from cornet to section 20, 21,28 and 29, Tp. 17, S. K. 8 K S. L. M , thencd N, 6,00 chains &, t0,00 chains S. 5,00 chains W. 20,000 ohilna, containing con-taining iO.OO acres and S. W. S. E. jK. Y2 and SV W. H of . W. H See, 21 Tp. 17, S. E. 3 E. S. L. M. Parsel S Beginning at a point 20.00 chains W. of the corners to sections 20, 21. ? and 20 Tp. 17, S. R. S K., S.L. M., thence S. 40,40 chain W. 29,46 chains N. 20,20 chains n. 4,25 chains X. 8.50 chains E.6,00 chains N. f,,00 chains E. 7,50 chains N. S.41 chains K, 12,70 ohaius, containing 100 50-108 acres. Term and condition of sate, eiali, ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the auctioneers on thedar of sale, balance on con-fornatin con-fornatin of sales said Probate Coirt. deed at expense of purchaser. LUTHER T, TUTTLE, Administrator of the estate, of Francis AC jolly, deceased. October Z4th, 1392. W. T. Reid Attorney forestate. |