Show U doctors 3 RU RULES LES big help to bowels what a joy to have the bowels move like clockwork every dayl day I 1 its easy cosy if you mind these simple rules of a famous old doctor larink 1 drink a big of 0 water before breakfast and several times a day 2 get plenty of outdoor exercise without unduly fatiguing yourself 8 try tor for a bowel movement at exact exactly lythe the same hour everyday every day bowels need help at times but the thing to use is dr Cal caldwelle dwells syrup pepsin get a thorough cleaning out and it wont leave your insides weak and watery tills this family doctors prescription Is just fresh laxative herbs pure pepsin and other helpful ingredients that hurt a child but how it withes wakes up those lazy bowels I 1 how good you nell te el with your system rid of all that poisonous waste matter clean up that coated tongue s sweeten w eeten that bad breath and get ra rid d of those bilious headaches A little syrup pepsin will soon free tile the bowels from all that waste matter that makes the whole system sluggish eat better sleep letter better and ana feel better like the way dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin tastes the way it works will delight you big bottles all drugstores DR dot W B SYRUP ILI A doctors family Laxa laxative five or talie take Bos chees syrup and coughing stops at oncel relieves where others fail contains nothing injurious but oh so effective I 1 guaranteed Bos chees at druggists atoll all syrup K W iwas aiwas nervous and ru rundown and weighed less than a hundred r pounds 0 ads I 1 felt felc tired and weak an and often had to lie down I 1 took lydia E pink hams vegetable compound because I 1 I 1 saw it advertised now I 1 eat cat well sleep well and have good color in fact I 1 feel any better and I 1 weigh one hundred fifty five pounds 01 ands I 1 am glad to answer fellers letters from any woman who wants to know more about the V vegetable compound 1 I mrs irs bertha stephens 2 21 x E ross ROM street lancaster pen pennsylvania ivania a I 1 11 I 1 I 1 II 11 I 1 r 55 1 1 if t lucky day dav 71 three candles cand lest 1 and each one represents a year of joyous living this Is carolyn babush of downer ave milwaukee wisconsin her mother says sly my mother used california pig fig syrup and when carolyn became constipated we got some it relieved her constipation sweetened nef her breath made her well and happy I 1 have since used it tor bor all her upsets and colds it has bas kept her stron strong gand and energetic F for or fifty years mothers have used california fig syrup to overcome a childs bilious headachy feverish or fretful spells doctors recommend its soothing aid to keep keel bowels clear in colds or childrens ailments or whenever bad breath coated tongue or listlessness warn varn of constipation it assists in building up weak children ch the genuine always bears the tha name california all drugstores iio isas laoj CHILDREN EXCESS ACID SICKENS GET RID OF ITI IT sour stomach indigestion gas usually mean excess add acid the stomach nerves have been over stimulate ed food sours in the stomach correct excess acid with an alkali ackall the best form of alkali is phillips milk of magnesia it works instantly the stomach becomes sweet your heartburn gas headache biliousness or indigestion has vanIs vanished hedl 1 phillips milk of magnesia Is the pleasant way the efficient way to relieve the effects of over aridity phillips milk of magnesia has been standard stan daid with doctors for over 50 years ac and bottles at druggists whick makes old skin young it positively accomplishes four things for it is 13 a skin n tonic a tissue builder banis cs pimples and at a ekin whitener whitened tenet and rejuvenator or money refunded thousands of women depend monek on cremola remola to keep their sk in youthful ask your druggist or 01 d direct i t by ron mail pre prepaid youth id prim price tl 25 write I 1 te for ea alyssee to jane 1 kay care dalia toja C co 2975 S g michigan ae chicago C heay allf III 13 1 I t i U R alk S without poison A siaw now exterminator exterminates that wont kill hill livestock poultry DOBS cats or even avon baby chicks K R R 0 can be used about the poultry yard with absolute ai it contains oa audly P pol at toil a K X R 0 Is 1 mode made of BS as reo a od by U 3 dt deft of agriculture under the Can connable process which insures m maximum icum two can kill killed 05 78 rat t at t arkansas ark 6 m hundred of mothr testimonials bold 4 on a Mone guarantee Guaran tm zon inbuilt anent upon KR K R 0 the ori ginst squat net or all large elie 1 four ti time as B much 20 direct if dealer cannot you K R 0 co springfield 0 EKE RR 0 kills RATS ONLY ATTENTION 6 A fortune in every homo most ma w dit product never aaa its equal ao 50 alldor and d 2 20 tev tell it all 11 john jhn Ho bergar 2422 third avo pallas ioalla texan sunshine A A A A ASS all lV iatter loreg jlong AT the irio foremost Fora desert retort the west marvelous marve marv loui alotis climate worm warm sunny lunny dear clear starlit rights dry invigorating roads gorgeous gorge oui mountain icem cellos finest hotels hotel the ha ideal winter home writs cst C st A charoy PALM SPRINGS california W N U salt lake city no 41 1930 |