Show coalville Co alville ne news ws 30 years As ago aff lr from illes files of the coalville Co alville times published by C R jones and furnished by him ani issue ol of july 6 1900 C 0 H west on tuesday paid the largest bill that has ever been paid on any one article by one person at the Co alville depot depo it was on a carload of marble shi shipped plied from the last east the amoun being abeln the marble will be used by the summit county marble works 0 4 the city tax levy for the year 1900 was s fixed bythe by the city council at 2 mills the county levy as fixed by the commissioners was 4 mills tor for county purposes and 2 mills tor for county schools the coop co op this week installed a new set of 0 weighing scales in front of their tofe david salmon ali who has been herding sheep in wyoming for some time past came homp this week for a visit with his family J L boyden arid and will cluff returned this week from thir fishing trip and report having had an enjoyable time 0 0 david paddies came up from ogden d en and spent the fourth with his best girl 0 0 0 0 mr and mrs frank olson were wae out from salt lake this week on a visit 0 0 0 born bom thursday last to the wife of john jackson a girl 0 X there was a slight frost here tuesday but not much damage done 0 0 0 capt G 11 bucher was in town monday and aid from here went weilt to kamas on business mayor frank croft was a visitor to peterson this week on account of the illness of his father 0 0 mrs E S wilde and children came cana out from salt lake this week and will spend some time with relatives 0 0 0 james devine chief 07 0 the salt lake fire department waa here on business this week trustee n T L beechin be beech ech in the county C A blocher was elected superintendent over W mi M boyden who 1010 had withdrawn 0 0 0 over people took in the sun day School picnic yesterday at cir ruths grove A most enjoyable time was had by the merry party 0 0 henry walker and john booth returned to Co alville sunday alter after spending a month prospecting over in the bear river country robert calderwood the popular grocery clerk in the coop co op was made happy tuesday morning by the arrival at his home ot of a baay girt girl mayor frank croft marshal wilkins W M boyden and county attorney callis went to castle rock monday to witness the sale of horses they each made mada a purchase liase elder J W welsh who has spent the past two years as a missionary nary in the south western states returned home wednesday J N jensen came me out from salt lake yesterday for a short visit he was accompanied by T R canava of Val dasto fla a recent convert to the L D S church he was here pro preparing paring for a mission to the northern states 0 0 miss E liza ellza robinson came down from park paris city sunday and spent a few days with her parents 0 0 mrs J T calne caine returned to her home in salt lake tuesday after spending two weeks here with her friends prest and mrs W W cluff and mrs L B E eldredge Eld are visiting relatives in provo 0 9 the city council con neil awarded to to james nell a contract to dig the ditch from the dewor constructed astern on the hill to main street A salvation Sil army advertiser in illinois wrote on a billboard what shall I 1 do to be saved A patent medicine man came along the next day and wrote underneath take carters little liver livar pills shortly afterwards the salvation army man noticed the sacrilegious words aforesaid and printed below and prepare to meet thy god |