Show Q qualities qualities required by standard bronze turkey A standard bronze bione turkey tm key should he be in ili color it 11 rich licit lustro tri line hue which glistens in ili the lie ilke d bold on die 1 tick back each anc lt feather fint liei hns a narrow black band iliin il iii exten lq ican s the end the or flight fi athers tire lie blick or dark brown penciled white alto or gia hie file colors changing to it a bronzy brown the wang bows boins tire me bancic with etli n brilla bril lt or greenI sli luster wing ang waltis cen aers bronzo tile flip feathers i 11 1 tit n 11 vide lack hand the tall Is bl banck ceic and cich fent lier Is penciled with bands of light brown ending in 9 I 1 rid alark lili iLli hand with etli a wide vide elge of dull white bilte or the leps legs in the young tire nie usually or black changing bilth age to n busly or pank ili hiis purple |