Show comparison OF PARTIES we urge urea the Ameri american cark people to compare the record of eight unsullied years of democratic administration with that of the republican administration in the former there them was no corruption the party pledges were faithfully fulfilled and a democratic congress en skated an number of constructive tive va and remedial laws the tha economic lift life of the nation quickened tariff taxes were reduced A federal trade commission was created A federal farm loan system was established ta child labor legislation was enacted A good roads bill was wag passed elbot hour laws were adopted A secretary ot of labor was wag given a seat in the cabinet of 0 the Preal president dent the clayton amendment mend ra ent to th the sherman antitrust anti antl trust ct was wa 8 pas passed ed froeling american labor my th lover bill improvement or of agricultural a conditions was effected A corrupt practice net get was wag adopted A wet well I 1 ja act was wag passed F federal employment bureaus were wera C created bated farm loan banks were orga organized nIad and the federal reserve system was established privilege was waa uprooted A corrupt lobby was driven from ti the a national capital A higher sense of of individual and national d duty uty was aroused america enjoyed an unprecedented period of social and material progress resa during tile time which intervened between the inauguration ot of a democratic administration on march 4 1913 and our entrance into the world war we placed upon the statute books of our country more effective constructive and remedial legislation than the republican party had placed there in a generation during the great struggle which followed wo we had a leadership that carried cirr led america to greater heights ot at honor and power and glory than she had ever known before in her entire history transition from this period of exalted democratic leadership to the sordid record of the last three and a halt half years make the tha nation ashamed it marks tile the contrast between a high conception of public service and an avid purpose to distribute spoils |