Show agriculture during the tour four years yeara of 0 republican governa ot the economic condition of the american farmer lias has chanced from earn comfort fort to bankruptcy with all its attendant miseries the chief causes causti of af tilts this are a the republican party policy of isolation Isol atlon in international affairs has prevented europe from getting back to its lt normal balance bt lanct and by leaving unsolved the economic problems abroad has driven the european city population from industrial activities to the soil moll in large larea numbers in order to earn the mere necessaries necess arlea of life this has haa deprived the tha american farmer or of his normal export trade b the republican policy of a prohibitive hibi tive tariff exemplified in the ford ney McCumber law which has forced tho the american farmer with ills his export market debilitated to buy manufactured ccola at sustained high domestic levels thereby making victim of the profiteer c the republican polley policy of high transportation rates rate both rail and we wa ter tar which has made mada it able lor for the farmer to ship his produce to market at even a living profit to offset these policies and their disastrous results re aulta and to restore the farm arm er again to economic equality with other industrialists we pledge ourselves a a ives a to adopt an international policy ot of such operation cooperation co by direct official instead ot of indirect and evasive knodl cial means as aa will reestablish establish re the farmers export market by restoring the industrial balance tn in europe and the normal now flow ot of international trade with the settlement ot of Eu ropes sea eco hoglo problems b to readjust and lower rail and water rates which will make our markets both tor for the buyer and tile the geller national and international instead of regional and local d to bring about te Pie early comple lional of internal waterway systems for transportation and to develop our water powers for cheaper fertilizer and use on our forms farms a to stimulate by every proper governmental activity the progress of the operative cooperative co marketing movement and the establishment ot of an export marketing corporation on commission in order that the exportable surplus may not establish the price of the whole crop f to secure tor for the farmer credits suitable for lila his needs B g by the establishment ot of these policies poll clea and others naturally supplementary thereto fo 10 reduce the margin between what the producer receives for his products and the consumer has to pay tor for ilia his supplies Ito to the end that we secure an equality for agriculture |