Show CAMPAIGN FUNDS the nation now knows known that the prel pred atory interests have by supplying alcan campaign funds systematically purchased based legislative favors and administrative istra tive immunity the practice must stop our nation must return to honesty and decency in politics elections are public affairs conducted for or the sole purpose tile will of 0 the sovereign sove voters therefore wo we demand that national elections shall hall hereafter be kept free from the poison of excessive private c contributions a nt to this end we favor anvor rest reasonable n aale means of publicity at public expense so that candidates properly before the people for red fed eral era offices may present their claims at a minimum of cost st such publicly public publicity lo ty should precede tile the primary and the election we tahir the prohibition at 0 individual contributions direct anil and indirect to the campaign funds of congressmen senators or presidential candidates beyond a reasonable sum to be fixed in the law lav to tor r both individual contributions and total expenditures expenditure with requirements lor for full publicity we advocate it a earn corn plate re revision vision of 0 the corrupt practice act to prevent and the election evils disclosed by recent hinves til rations tl cat ions |