Show I 1 at your service everything in merchandise d come and see Us SUMMIT FUR 6 ME G 0 coalville Co alville utah COALVILLE COOP CO OP we are making a great sacrifice sale in shoes we are closing out as much as L v 1 possible all the stock we now have on hand AT SACRIFICE PRICES in order to make room for the LARGE NEW STOCK which we have bought for spring it will pay you to come and examine our prices on these shoes we will be glad to show them to you sale on sale commences tues bues dec 27 and will continue as long as any of our present stock lasts GEORGE BEARD manager COALVILLE cohl COOP C CO 90 9 OP 0 P NOTICE miss M R sal lh Is selling out her ler stock of mckenley NIC KInley music tit nt loc per er copy there are some soine splendid select lom s to choose from nd fid N NOTICE 0 T I 1 C E notice Is 14 berf herphy by given that it a mett met t ing ng of 0 the stockholders of IT enefer illde ipe line eystein Ss tm will mill he be held at the iverd meeting lloil e in Ilene II enefer for suni sum mit county atall on saturday the bilth lay of 1922 tit nt 7 p ili n for the lie purpose of unending amending the articles of incorporation of com coin pany hy by increasing the lie capital stock thereof hereof and to such other huane n ns may legally come defort sald M e ting dated january 1022 1922 goo geo 11 I 1 tones jones secretary P 11 II neeley attorney Co coalville alville utah ellwood carruth NOTA NOTARY RY PUBLIC COALVILLE UTAH DR FRANK J REES DENTIST phone res 58 office 23 summit block COALVILLE ELECTRIC DI SHOE SHOP well equipped shop and first class work guaranteed we keep a full supply of shoe choe supplies located second door so uth of palace market COALVILLE UTAH C D nanney prop gasoline is going up oil ih ia going up tired are going up but you can save the difference by letting me examine your tires frequently and d keep them in running an older rd er i all a 11 any an kind of i rt ro hiir billit ii i it it 1 1 ii lilo to inake on it i tire I 1 n e just lini lit the ali iet I et and ami 11 ait ul ilist plant ili it i ier el billt the kind that eliat Is 1 I in ili tin tho it I t tit aln repair bli aliis Is ili all tile tho mg lil cities amne ol and pt ini tl eil tin tin rii ais lies wr alii it fur otlien s mi not for mill 11 prone to nial mill ih tt it I 1 law ii nn iiii hiis every job I 1 turn tin it out nut I 1 will ft unconditionally guarantee john thurs next net lor to t T r 1 ailio io tor co BIG JANUARY SALE beautiful line of ladies coats and dresses underwear and all winter goods will goat go at a big reduction for cash come while the stock is new M R SALMON this bank stands ceaselessly pir ovi dingi i funds with protection pro PER F so fist national bank coalville Co alville R 7 1 ch C h coalville Co alville opera I house Z it oa 04 1 LJ 2 7 I 1 N aa we please everyone from 6 to 90 always A good show here every tuesday and saturday nights pleasing the public IT T has been a pleasure for us LIS during the past year to serve our many customers and we c wish to take this means ot of than thanking kincy I 1 you VOLI one and all for bour liberal patrona oc of 1921 the palace meat mal market ket |