Show SUPPLY BASE FOR BIRDS I 1 tic the air forces can ile be trilled against the tie R nf f unit garden kill den hy by setting netting nai a wv hit of supplies bov winter birda this is ia the lie of nt A C burrill hun of the missouri college of if agriculture who further that suet iii med unil and mixed with brend muke make an excellent food tr t lit ti art birds and help thern mirvine the BOIM sturms of wirl n inter intel slut molded into a lull anti and en et clit cli fd in ili a loosely lely woven ine sill of tm lite in hf be hung hun in it tree po no that tile english Sli arrows ivill hlll n riot nt t louvit tiit h it tile suspicions birds fear to alight on oil it lend tint ant object hut but the native winter birds will eat cut readily from such buch a supply they will supplement 1 alil I 1 1 I 1 11 foell anil wi it numb erlem ahlber 11 1 ag insects |