Show FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF COAL VILLE CITY FOR YEAR END ING DECEMBER 31 1921 city general fund IS by ervrit balance january 1 ingari 1st ast receipts license collect low 58 75 cemetery X 11 juaice ju tile hn fin property tax an M material sold old dog tax iw interest first nor nar notional national dional bunk bank 1261 refund 2775 rents alenty loan first vat nat bunk bank 2500 00 pound disbursements salaries expense espouse streets A bridges ilges Br stu sta quarantine half salary rents 1110 public library city park expense feeding If prisoners ners 1000 dallis ins A ditches loins loans first notion nation notional national rl r l dional il bank disere A t oil loans 78 J I 1 credit balance dm arnber 31 ajl 1 city road fund by 15 balance january 1021 li 1 l receipts by as tax ln 1 11 5 7 75 5 summit county for reids ril va disbursements bs bann bridge sar 5 1 11 half iry 1838 limn dian ilist ant hunk Inter it ere cut t on ann dijonn to debit tince december street lighting fund to debit balance january 1st ast 1021 1921 1 receipts property tux tax disbursements half salary 27 2757 street lights 1481 33 hi by credit balance december 1021 1921 water system fund by B credit balance january 1021 receipts water rent collections property tux tax 85 disbursements half salary 1838 18 38 maintenance ago 24 bond bona redeemed interest In on bonds 8 credit balance december 3 1021 recapitulation of balances ry by credit balance Genel general ral fund B credit balance street lighting rund fund by B credit Mi balance latice water system stem fund total C credit balances 80 to debit balance road bond fund recorders balance dec 31 1021 1921 outstanding IN variants arrants 57 treasures balance in bank doc dec 31 1021 1014 10 14 W coalville Co alville cites resources liabilities water works system fire hoe cm cart t equipment 13 sprinkler wagon shel shed city park improve ments office furniture city lot jill jail equipment tools road machinery lowering low arins device delce cemetery uncollected water rent 44 05 Simini lt county taxes 1921 real city park real property city cemetery total resources 75 liabilities anter S system stein bonds outstanding war rants 7 total 8 57 2 18 1 I Ill ssi a A Northe northcott ott recorder for Co coalville alville city cit do solemnly swear scar that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the finances of Co coalville alville city alt for the year sear ending dec 31 1921 nce according to my best bert knowledge and belief attest elessa A Northe northcott ott city recorder |