Show interesting SPORT NOTES brown will viii plus play 27 baseball games next year columbia I 1 lias ia 50 men out for the track team penn state sante basketball team tins has only one player pinker on oil it tile the 1924 games will be staged just outside of parts heavyweight wrestlers wrest leis lers are scarce in eastern college circles this ft winter inter 4 Pennsyl pennsylvania vanla lins four men trying for gout goal tender on oil its hockey team thirteen of notre dames arsley football played a will graduate in june about the only thing you iou can get t the le cli champion limpi oil of today to light fight over oer Is money princeton track men tire working sti ti tidily hlll and more than ever eer are in ti harvard may play either pittsburgh or nebraska Nehia at cambridge on oct 28 1922 washington and jefferson find and lafayette will play at the polo grounds 0 november ozember 4 1022 A mile dog derby will be staged in now new hampshire between american and canadian Cani dlan teams 0 naval academy wrestlers wrest lers plan a hard season starting with penn state march 11 at philadelphia amherst Amli erst college will play piny an intersectional ganie game with oberlin college at oberlin ln 0 october 28 1922 university of washington baseball team la is back from tile the orient where in III four fou r months it won 23 of 31 games walter koppisch Koppl sch on the football team Is it a candidate for the quarter mile run on oil the columbia track squad malcolm baldridge creighton U football coach lia laii received an offer from yale ae to become assistant grid gild coach vanderbilt tins hns declined to meet but gers gerb november 2 nt lit the polo grounds next net season henson the llie vanderbilt schedule Is filled Jon joanthan nthan K 1111 sillier ler Ie lebanon clinnon banon pit pa hns been elected captain of if tile the penn Hyl vanla football team for 1922 ile he Is a halfback the opening date for the 1922 season of the southern asso association clation tins has been fixed for april 21 with a schedule of games exeter Is iq to have hae a new board track for use lit in the winter months month which will be situated near the thompson g seven seen of last bears airs wrestling team members atre in tile the harvard barard squad this ills se sinson uon the Is couched coached by frank dartmouth has two tio footh football fill dates to 1111 october 28 aind november nn ember 4 pennsylvania or pittsburgh Is wanted for one of the dates that professional golfers are increasing fit at it a rapid rate Is evidenced eUden ced by li the fact that the new england or ailts lilts iiii i members mem beis Is J cornell connoll Is of tile the 1022 1922 swarthmore lore varsity aisley football team cornell Is 14 in adept nt at basketball and ns well as football foot bill walter kinsella national an and 1 I worlds open cham align who was injured in a ft fi II 11 through it glass roof recently mn inn never neer play piny dignin nobby bobby byrne brne former captain and third bas emilin of the pittsburgh pirates ling hns been signed by judye judge clement to mannke the saginaw terin tei in of the wo league |