Show SALLEE LANDS WITH WINNER slim southpaw twirler manages to secure berth with Penn antWin win ning aggregation any major league club wishing wl liang to win u in a pennant next season should get to in touch with v sallee somehow or other when ihen slim SRI sal gets on ft club it wins lis he was with the wants in 1018 the reds in 1010 1919 ond and with jr 4 vl by lern ne sallee tile giants aguill tills his vear eor lie lind to retire n couple in order to ti make it hut but somehow dring 1 1 tile the off scipion he viii ka over and jinhe ills pl pick then if lie ho hinks kotlier than the hie glants ili ints tire lire to win in 19 22 he will tell lei 1 john mccraw atilt the hotel 1 ions a 5 d lant ait suit pad and negotiate a change of |