Show dr city recorder ne conler lias mailed s of 0 election to till the site BUC ceski candidates ill at the list last city elec lection the noi th M ward waid will hold their annual carnival lit in the near fu tun lure it 1 I planned to make tills this one bigger lil ur and tit better than any in the past two represent at ives from the state leers a line have been meeting avith ith tin the water niter aters of the weber juer oystein in morgan county count helping tilt fill out the hie required hy by the new diew lav la passed by the lat legislature ono one of warren porters Por teia small sons while lille playing placing with will deverel other of III liia pla mates nates on the rafters of the clark brothers warehouse fell to the floor sustaining very ecra injuries ahio rendered him unconscious for ab about t twelve house latest reports arc that lie ile Is recovering williaim Willi 1 lellam lim smith of richville while at to puss pass a loaded wagon agon daiv en by b octave white alte of porterville on ablat Is known at the laburn dug ni ay met u avith ith a painful accident accede lit and hid had liia his auto truck badly damaged the alie car rolled over oer several times and mr air smith was as badi cut and bruised ills ilia little boy who was nas riding with him escaped without a scratch latest re ports are to the effect that mr air smith is well e onto the road of recovery re coer very satisfactory results were 0 ott U talked from the public service rend rendered e r armistice day in Ilard scrabble canyon cannon while the road completed cannot le be called a speedway still anyone can drive their automobile into the pine trees which Is something which cannot be lone in any of the other canyons in the volley valley watch for another big public service day next nest spring when it Is planned to arit the road orbr 0 er the summit the morgan potatoes are finest of nil all with pleasure we wait tor for them thein every eer fall although we live in the distant city to eat tiny others would sure be a pit pity served any way they are very veo clous when bilked baked oh my mi lust just simply simple delicious talk of a dish that Is fit for a king win why the worst case of blues will sure ly y take wing in looks just like a plateful of beautiful snow flavor awl and ine allness all thore there we know every one likes the useful tom atoe tilt lint nothing can beat the morgan potatoe pot atoe sallie |