Show PP THE T E KITCHEN KI 11 HEN CABINET petern newspaper union it cost costs a lot to if live these days wore more than ti an in days of yore nut hut when we come to think of tt it its worth a good deal dea more GOOD THINGS FOR THE TABLE A few pieces of f nicely smoked trout added to a potato salad give a flavor that Is especially appetizing 4 sweet poian potato south ern stafe cook the potatoes z anto es in their skins un t soft s ft cut them after reeling peeling in rather thick slices nind lay them in a groined baking dish sprinkling with sugar and adding butter to each layer bake halt half an hour in a slow oven and serve from baking dish placing a marsk marsh mallow on oil top of nf ench slice and letting it puff and brown wakes makes a more attractive dish chestnut dessert take a pound 0 of chestnuts cut n slit silt across the lie top of pach then drop them into boiling water to cover boll for five minutes th then en peel icel them thein put pat two cupfuls of hot frater into a pili ann add one olle cupful of niger and the thinly pared peeling rom a lemon bring to the boiling point and add the lie nuts and cook until tender take them out of the pound them tind rub through a sieve whip one cupful of cream add oue oll liala teaspoonful of lemon extract n dittli red coloring color hig the lie chestnut puree ind and enough of the to sweeten heap in a 11 pretty dish ail and serve with corn pudding open n can of corn and am lot let it air nn an hour before using brut beat three eggs tidd a plat pint of rich milk the lie corn one tablespoonful of melted butter stilt pepper and one half teaspoonful of mustard with birve in PC of worcestershire enuce 1111 ce cook until the mixture Is arm arin sponge bananas coor the bottom f a hsiung sponge lakat i Kp cover a layer of ba bananno fill sugar and the lie juice of a lemon benu ii add ad chopped nuts or coconut nud and bahe fifteen minutes serve it custard or thick cream coffee custard parisian cook tablespoonfuls of coffee in a plat pint of milk ne five minutes through a jelly bifi bag add the yolks of four eggs beaten a currul of sugar find cook until tit smooth anti thick cool add one third of nil ail ounce of softened gelatin find a plot pint of whipped shipped creane stir and stand in it cold place for till nil hour before ing let us u sometimes live be it only for or an hour and though we must lay jay a all 11 else aside to make mahe others othera smile amile chril chrils s wagner vegetables usually two or three vegetables vegetable i ith tile meat cluese couii so Is considered considers 4 ellough with the lie v it r I 1 e t y from bilili to choose I 1 there here la Is no alln lt squash turnip en ca I i rot irot cauliflower egg plant cole celery ry sect swee t bild 11 potato poti ito beets and vegetable oy 01 ar tirs arv are some of tile the many to ile be boull 1 in 11 almost any morhet squash is usually con lil ered one of the dinner vegetables potato Is it a good substitute squash way be baked tn III the lie shell eliell then scraped front from the shelf mid lieLl with butter stilt and pepper for seasoning this Is one of the lie vegetables w which hach require butter in fit large quantities for seasoning the squash may 1111 he be avi led and steamed rained ht until tender then dried out in file die oven men before nin yinshing shing and son sen aning A most dell clous iny ny of serving sweet pontones 14 to ill them until partly done poel ivel and afee arrange the slices in it linking dih sprenia with will butter and sprinkle thickly with sl gar balk until tile sugar Is well melted and just juit before inking fl fran oll the lie oven place it marshmallow on oil etl eiichi il alleo servo aheu tile lie marshmallow 1 nall ell bro beets iseff i anre never ater than when until lender ten clor peelor ani capped adding of buffer and a basl or f if soul sonia profir olive n I 1 iri in f tend ft d of bif balfe it dali 1111 da li of lelli coinon oll julve juice and didonno alt stuffed eggplant inko two twi boio i ond 1 0 i cycil ri bild lintl drw III alir fire lind binl ba antii I 1 it nodell howl put pill two lyca i inions wid and it few sprigs iri of iiii lirly iry amir cavos of gl irile four or live I 1 rape nil till ano add i iwo cupfuls als of nf braher oll nil arll if boop out nut tile liter if the gizi till I 1 lican cliv orul not to 11 break alir alin into hn liow alth if 11 tile tho VW ll 1113 11 and id an s ailt I 1 t it lid but butter t er hll fill tile ills i the lie buffill tuf fill nir aji nhit fruin lia nit the fall op with will grated chere cher e krown in the oven ernp frien the and alm nio me tile lie uw u ind do Ir horti orta tn ill most idt fa lIllos filers ts Is 11 i cherl bed wipe rr ir mili litch la Is nedr liy fly liny other ever aver niton Pum phin to ho be dmd knod bo be well 0 conked fied alad fbrown then the pic will linae it 11 rich flavor and e cair nr cauliflower I 1 ia n blanty vegetable in n drewn buttar batice in a crenin batice r e tu kayt |