Show BOY BARONER IS TAKEN IN ARIZONA SANTA PE FE MAIL CLERK FOILS ROBBER AS GUN IS 18 HELD AG AGAINST A BODY GETS prisoner claims he acted gallantly in sparing life or railway em aloye because he saw man was wa brave and unarmed phoenix ariz the bandit captured herbist her here dinst hist tuesday night flight at the santa et ve V atlon following an attempt to rob a niall car was identified by fingerprints arl t wednesday as roy gardner who recently n 8 escaped from the federal pent tertiary at Wc Nells island A according cedr dIng to the pollee police gardner a admitted of tillit ted hla his identity identify police wednesday morning said bald that w while lille there w was is nothing of unusual value 11 in the niall on board the car at tacked flicked tuesday night a local banh 1 planned 1 1 I of to ship from here wed ileda Y and they believe the wold he robber ribber had been tipped on off to alie e shipment but got the wrong train the attacked attached tuesday night w was is on oil atchison Atch lson topeka sal santa ta le 0 o boardl train no the robber boarded ed the car ten tell minutes before the train was wag due to leave for los angeles and it is 1 I the lie theory of local officers it hat lie he intended to ride to a nearby station where they believe lio lie had accomplices waiting for him norman herman Inder Ded of phoenix clerk in charge of the car said lie he was not looking when the robber got in the car and that the first lie he knew of till alie others presence was waa when lie he felt a 11 gun pressed against ills his body and turned around to find a masked nian man 11 holding a revolver against him inderlied if ed who is a 0 feet i 2 indies inches tall at and d weighs about pounds struck his assailant took ills his gun iway anway from him und kind cheik him while h 0 batted for officers to respond to hiis tiis B Is baft then ane bendit wits was taken to the A county jull jall where ho he said lie was 11 II 11 I 1 nelson of chicago inderlied wont went out with ills car tuesday flight will while N to Interi led wa was holding its ills pals aner the latter flitter said well varned your i tonight referring to 11 standing reward offered to mall mail dorks clerks fur for tin tilt capture of mall mail bakits another santa vo fe train was stand landing on ili it truck track at the local station just it 11 few feet from no and a southern pacific train with two marine maone guards lit in the in mall allear car wits was at the southern outher it pacific station it quarter of a block away when was attacked who returned to phoenix wednesday was called to tile the police station mation to identify the prisoner formally us its ills assa assailant llant As lie approached tile pr prisoner ioner the latter hel bield if out ills his hand and said you tou got any hard feelings have you 1 pvc v e fo got t rk wife and child at home hom e ll 11 tn e t 1 1 ed replied cepl led so have I 1 responded gardner and it if you lind had had a gun lust hist light your wire wife would have been a widow today I 1 rever never hurt tin an unar unarmed nied man hut but next time a gun Is stuck against you you put up your hands it might not be noy Car gardner thier behind the lie gun I 1 still fr fiana an asro elseo llo hoy y e cap eil ed front mcneils Mu Neils i wand island penitentiary Septen I 1 her 5 idil ID il hy by cutting lila ills ay ugh the barbed wire win fence it prison leasel all gaille and li tile fields tn ff ncr coyer alfild I 1 nin inin I of nf shuts shots froin the lie A oi ilni thrown vod tile inland mid alli tL li klit tir for boks lint but gardner in alner wll MI not noi round irl ain vials later salil silil old allu tho light iw in avach td fil tho iho eftev tl flit guard CU ml MI is to TD inlets sold lelI nt lit C anili bowl illo lin for ilo il o anade uli a il ali I 1 for till lili ri lordlier icilin r olio of oc ua ai killed III alir other mounded oun ded litti 1 two mall ro blier cr los les lit in will filin ills tle cliv li ilni to liels on all tin the lirt was is of nf n I 1 I 1 I 1 tall filgon at still dieso diego lit in april pill 11 idio ID io 20 lili ids I licot it boang ib 8 7 00 ill ot of wits MIS ri re covered cuer rd |