Show EVER POPULAR FRENCH KNOT nothing mra mr a 9 effective in embroidery cry work and comparatively eat lly fly executed french knots are so BO easily executed that a simple description of them in all that will be required they are generally used to form the center of roses and in d daisies the stitches being made quite doge close together in such case came to create a solid center and when employed simply to fill up spaces in large leaves leave they are usually scattered considerably sider older ably the size olzo of the knot Is regulated by the space to be filled individual fancy or the floss used the thread la Is fastened on the wrong side aide of the work with a very small email knot that to la afterward cut off as two small stitches taken very close I 1 together serve nerve to secure the end of tho the floss S T the he n needle bedl is then inserted fro from 32 the under side of the fabric and the thread drawn through its entire length with the left hand band bold the fabric and the thread at the same time catch cato blut tnt hold of the thread about one inch from the fabric and holding it taut between the thumb and forefinger hold the needle in the right hand and slip it beneath the thread giving it three or four twists that will throw the thread over the needle three or tour four times but without loosening the hold on the thread continue holding the thread tightly and pull the needle backwards to the point where it was originally drawn through and insert it 11 again as close as may be to the same point still holding the thread firmly and push puah it through the fabric to be drawn out on tho the other side this will cause the stitches to be held firmly on one side and slightly loose on the other but the effect Is very pretty never allow the stitches to be loose enough to be ba mussy and do not permit them to be ba drawn back through the hole made by the needle |